
Reveal Your Thaidentity: Experience the Thai Way in Thailand

Reveal Your Thaidentity: Experience the Thai Way in Thailand 1000 563 Design Business Chamber Singapore

No reason for Singaporeans to visit the Land of Smiles because they’ve visited Thai padi fields or shopped at Chatuchak? The Thai Tourism Authority convinces Singaporeans otherwise in this marketing campaign. Bold caricatures and animation to showcase the Thai people, culture and charm in a fun and relatable manner are used to entice Singaporeans to re-visit Thailand.

AUGHT Pte Ltd (from left to right)
Tomaz Goh, Hazel Ting, Florence Chua, Howard Chee.

How do you think Reveal Your Thaidentity has impacted users?

“Add some flavour, spice it up, and let the rhythm move our audience”.

We had never intended to retell the old touristic tales of Thailand. Instead, it was all about the fun and excitement that one usually experienced when travelling to Thailand – portrayed in a more caricature way.

We were delighted by the positive response to the campaign. The fact that our audiences can genuinely relate and get entertained by the campaign demonstrates the values of communication design when approaching it with authenticity and relevance.

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MM Galleri prioritise top-quality stones that stand the test of time, retaining their exquisite veins and color.
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Generate room designs with Roomable and AI

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Jeffrey and Matthew are co-founders of Roomable which uses AI to connect homeowners and interior designers.
1 6 7 8 9 10 26


IRÉN Skin 999 999 Design Business Chamber Singapore

With a name inspired by Irène Joliot-Curie, Nobel Laureate in Chemistry and women’s rights advocate, IRÉN Skin positions itself as skincare that is fun to use, with real results backed by science. Through a soft, vibrant colour palette, a fun and trendy tone of voice, and easy-to-use packaging with a distinctive opening mechanism, it appeals to the savvy female consumer.

Sinn Low, Senior Designer, Kong Studio

How do you think your design has impacted users?

“Our aim was to create a fuss-free and customised experience for the user, the packaging’s mechanism is designed in such a way that the user can open the packaging with just a thumb-flick.”

Inspired by the seven superfruits which define the base formula, each packaging is crafted uniquely with its respective icon and colour.

Users can conveniently identify their personal set of icons and colour palette based on their skin’s needs.

Immersive Experience

Immersive Experience 1000 565 Design Business Chamber Singapore

Can’t attend a physical business event due to Covid-19? The Indonesia Startup Insight Asia virtual event demonstrates that an immersive 3D experience is still possible through the use of technology such as photographic rendering, and realistic design incorporating physical elements into the virtual space. Following its success, markets as far flung as Belgium and Israel have been inspired by it.

Wyman Ong, Project Manager,
Perspective Design

How has SG Mark helped you in your area of work?

“SG Mark has provided us an opportunity to showcase to our existing and potential clients that we take pride in our design hence providing them a peace of mind whenever we work on a project with them.”

How do you think your design has impacted users?

I believe our design has provided an immersive/unique experience to the users by having close to realistic rendering and also sleek UI/UX that provides information to the users.

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Generate room designs with Roomable and AI

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The Man Behind the Unique Vending Machine

The Man Behind the Unique Vending Machine 1536 1848 Design Business Chamber Singapore

How would you describe your personality?

My son, friends and colleagues fittingly call me “Mr. Fix-It” as I like to solve problems in creative and innovative ways.    

How has design thinking impacted what you do?

Creative and innovative solutions led me to develop a design thinking mindset and it really solved many problems, especially the recent solutions we had for our car showroom aka Car Vending Machine. 

What is your favourite automobile brand?

My favourite automobile brand is Porsche. It’s a unique brand that is somewhat sporty yet very understated.

What was the hardest decision you ever had to make?

To build TenSquare as another car vending machine showroom especially after we just built one not too long ago. Given that this took place in the middle of the pandemic, it was stressful.

Who is your hero and why?

Like many Singaporeans, my hero is our founding father, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew. With a bright mind, strong leadership and perseverance, he formed a capable team to develop Singapore into a world-renowned global city from its humble beginnings. Today, Singapore stands out in the world for its low level of poverty and highly-acclaimed education system among many attributes. 

Gary Hong, GM and Founder of Autobahn Motors aspires to bring an immersive experience to the community of creators, animators, marketers and brand owners together, to showcase their creativity and bring about more social awareness.

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Second Generation Leader: Hilary Tjoe

Second Generation Leader: Hilary Tjoe

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MM Galleri prioritise top-quality stones that stand the test of time, retaining their exquisite veins and color.
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Generate room designs with Roomable and AI

Blog Member's Spotlight
Jeffrey and Matthew are co-founders of Roomable which uses AI to connect homeowners and interior designers.
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“Your network is your net worth”: A Designer’s Perspective

“Your network is your net worth”: A Designer’s Perspective 640 400 Design Business Chamber Singapore

What motivated your career switch?

I always knew I wanted to start something of my own. Most of the time, I pursued things that were of interest to me. So you can say the “career switch” was motivated by interest and curiosity. I went from studying Biological Sciences (hoping to be a scientist) to a very much design, engineering and business driven career. 

(I’m not sure I switched careers, I more of switched paths. My career has always been in design, engineering and business.)

How would you advise your younger self?

I’d spend more time making meaningful and long-lasting connections. I realised a bit later in life that “your network is your net worth”.

What’s the key thing you see lacking in the design community?

I meet a lot of designers who are perfectionists. Not sure whether it stems from character or from the design education, but I would like to see more designers give precedence to iteration. Designers can adopt the mindset that getting it right is a process of “continuous improvement” rather than hoping to hit a homerun on the first try. This also helps a lot with the anxiety designers face when putting their work out.

What is your greatest fear?

I have a fear of regret. I don’t want to get old and think, “I should have done this, I should have done that”. So as much as I can, I try to be very open to new experiences, opportunities and projects. But I also have learnt how to say “No” – the opportunity must either allow me to learn or earn. Equally great is my fear of getting old.

Shafiq Bashir, Principal of Mēkā and his team are striving to build a better world by inventing great products and solutions that improve the human condition. 

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MM Galleri prioritise top-quality stones that stand the test of time, retaining their exquisite veins and color.
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Generate room designs with Roomable and AI

Blog Member's Spotlight
Jeffrey and Matthew are co-founders of Roomable which uses AI to connect homeowners and interior designers.
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The Highs and Lows of Design

The Highs and Lows of Design 2560 1267 Design Business Chamber Singapore

What do you love most about your job?

By helping businesses build brands, it is constantly enriching to see how our work can help our clients transform themselves, especially during Covid. Helping them survive and thrive, saving businesses and jobs, improving their products/services/designs during these trying times give meaning to what we do. There’s never an ordinary day as we’re working on multiple projects across different industries, bringing in new challenges and opportunities for us to ideate and design solutions. It is a privilege to make something out of nothing every single day. 

What’s your advice for those passionate about pursuing a career in design?

Going beyond your innate passion, design is about solving other people’s problems – which means it isn’t always going to be what you like. It’s our responsibility to make the world better through understanding, innovating, and solving unmet needs. We must also ensure that our creations won’t add more problems to the world – socially and environmentally. What you do is important, and in a certain way, every little thing you put out there can impact the world for better or worse. 

What made you join DBCS Circle?

I wanted to be involved in the local design community to learn from the veterans and participate in design initiatives. Sharing my voice for the community allows me to play a part in shaping Singapore’s design scene as well.

Kimming Yap is the Managing Director of Creativeans, an interdisciplinary brand and design management consultancy with its HQ in Singapore and offices in Jakarta and Milan.

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Second Generation Leader: Hilary Tjoe

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MM Galleri prioritise top-quality stones that stand the test of time, retaining their exquisite veins and color.
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Generate room designs with Roomable and AI

Blog Member's Spotlight
Jeffrey and Matthew are co-founders of Roomable which uses AI to connect homeowners and interior designers.
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