
“Dumpster Diving” to Recycle Right

“Dumpster Diving” to Recycle Right 2048 1535 Design Business Chamber Singapore

Tell us a little more about yourself

After graduation from NUS as an Industrial Designer in 2020, I am currently at STUCK Design.

As an Industrial Designer, my focus is to design sustainable and ambitious solutions which improve the  quality of life. I also aim to create innovative products with a systematic and thorough iterative approach.

How did your award-winning ‘Recycle Right’ Bins project come about?

It was in NUS that I learnt about the issue of contamination in recycling in Singapore. I found out that almost all the plastic recyclables collected in Singapore are rejected by recycling companies. 

This issue stuck with me; how can we recycle right with better design? I took on this challenge on my FYP, building on my seniors’ projects and their insights. I reached out to the NUS administration and offered to redefine how we treat the recycling experience with a bin design to tackle this problem.

Thankfully, they were keen to collaborate. I think student projects tend to be short-lived, more so on conceptual fidelity.

By working with the NUS administration, I hoped to test my ideas on the ground, and make a real impact beyond my FYP.

Share with us a memorable process of Recycle Right Bins?

Twice a week for 3 months, I spent my afternoons “dumpster diving” at the campus canteen. I engaged in ground research with a pair of tongs, a mask and a pair of sturdy rubber gloves. The objective was to find out what people were throwing into the recycling bins and find ways to ensure their efforts do not go to waste. My course mates would sometimes find me behind the canteen crouched over a heap of trash. When I tell them that was part of my FYP, some of them would reply with scepticism. But it was something I chose to do as part of the discovery process.

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Breaking Conventions as a Playscape Designer

Breaking Conventions as a Playscape Designer 1280 960 Design Business Chamber Singapore

Shi Yun from Playpoint Asia Singapore cannot wait for the day when she sees children enjoy the playscapes she designed.

Tell us a little more about yourself and what do you do at Playpoint Singapore?

I studied Industrial Design at NUS and graduated last year. Being a playscape designer at Playpoint Singapore is my first full-time job since I graduated. As a playscape designer, I design custom playgrounds, from the conceptualisation to 3D development of the space and play equipment. I think about how to design playscapes which encourage the children to take risks, learn, and have lots of fun!

What do you love most about your job?

I love it whenever I have the chance to come up with new playscape concepts that break the conventional notions we have of a playscape. I’m a new designer so I haven’t had the chance to see my designs come to life. But I think seeing children playing on playscapes I designed in the future would probably be the most fulfilling part of the job.

Describe your personal design style

I don’t really have a specific design style but more of a design approach. I usually try to look at and interpret what I am designing in other ways that are uncommon and explore those interpretations through my design.

What’s your advice for those who are passionate about pursuing a career as a Playscape Designer?

Play is powerful, it enables children to interact, take risks, learn and grow in various areas. If you believe in the power of play for the children, that would be a good start! As a playscape designer, I believe it’s important to always be trying to push the boundaries, to always think about how we can make the playscapes more interesting for children to develop, learn and grow. And another personal belief I have is that more is not necessarily always good. If purposefully designed, sometimes having less “elements” in the playscape might inspire the children to play more.

Outside of work, what do you enjoy doing?

I love street dance! And I enjoy going on food adventures with my family and friends to find new, good delicacies!

What made you join dbcs circle / our recent circle connects event?

I joined one of the recent events as I have always been interested in inclusive/universal design and how we could better approach it. It was eye opening to see what has been designed so far for the communities and how different people from various sectors approach inclusive design. It was my first Circle Connects event and I’m excited to participate in more such events to connect with others and have a good exchange of thoughts!

What is one thing you had to learn the hard way?

I think that would be learning to not lose sight of what I believe in and the main purpose behind each design/project. Design requirements and criteria should still be met but it’s important to constantly circle back and remind ourselves of the core of the project and make sure that our design is trending towards that direction.

What is good design?

Good design is one which has empathy for people (and often goes unnoticed).

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Immanuel Goh’s Fascination with UX and Design Research

Immanuel Goh’s Fascination with UX and Design Research 2560 1706 Design Business Chamber Singapore

Tell us a little more about yourself and what do you do at GovTech?

I was formerly a design researcher working on the Singpass App and most recently the Deputy Lead of the newly set up Accessibility Enabling Team focused on helping public officers have improved access to their digital products and making sure no one gets left behind in our Smart Nation journey.

How did you get to learn about the design or UX community?

I got started in design, meddling with Photoshop as a kid, designing stuff for friends and family but I got serious with design when I saw that famous TED Talk by David Kelley of IDEO on Creative Confidence. I was inspired by the power of the human-centred approach to design and I knew that I wanted to be part of such a practice. Since then, I’ve been really blessed to meet amazing UX practitioners in Singapore who have generously shared their lives and practices with me.

What’s your advice for those who are passionate about pursuing a career as a design researcher?

Be bold, curious, patient, and humble. Don’t be afraid to speak with fellow design researchers in the field to learn from them. Don’t worry too much about the latest tools and trends, master the basics — Start small and keep practising the craft of asking good questions, effective note taking and compelling storytelling.

Lastly, a pack of sticky notes, a pen and an inquisitive spirit are your best tools (and they never run out of battery).

Immanuel (Manny) shares how design meddling during his formative years has evolved into the monumental task of ensuring no one gets left behind in our Smart Nation journey. 

What do you love most about your job?

I get the privilege to hear and hold the diverse stories of the people of Singapore and represent them by retelling their stories to our product leaders and teammates.

I remember one interview I had with an elderly uncle, he looked me in the eye and said: “Boy, thank you for taking time to listen to me and taking my feedback.” He never experienced a research interview before and felt touched to have a young person actively listen to him and represent his thoughts. I don’t get many moments like this, but this one really stuck with me and keeps me going.

What’s your advice for those who are passionate about pursuing a career as a design researcher?

Be bold, curious, patient, and humble. Don’t be afraid to speak with fellow design researchers in the field to learn from them. Don’t worry too much about the latest tools and trends, master the basics — Start small and keep practising the craft of asking good questions, effective note taking and compelling storytelling.

Lastly, a pack of sticky notes, a pen and an inquisitive spirit are your best tools (and they never run out of battery).  

Outside of work, what do you enjoy doing?

I enjoy running and I love being a dad and caring for my baby girl! Interestingly, these were two blessings that came out from this pandemic. I started running in 2020 to get out of the house after hours of working from home. And my beautiful baby girl made her debut in 2021 and brought a lot of joy to the family. 

How important is rest and being part of a community mean to you? 

There are many articles extolling the importance of rest. I’ve learnt very recently to move beyond reading about rest to actually practising rest — and not just for my body but for my mind and soul. While I try my best to clock 8 hours of sleep, could I also clock at least 2 hours of not worrying a day? (I’m still trying HAHA!). 

Being part of a community is a reminder for me to recognise there’s beauty and abundance in diversity, there’s something about being among persons different from you yet finding common ground. It is also a reminder to me that ‘help’ is a four-letter word that I’m allowed to say.

What made you join dbcs circle?

Some of the amazing design practitioners I’ve met and learnt from are part of dbcs—so it wasn’t hard for me to want to be part of this community. It is also a way for me to give back to the design community for the blessing it has been to me.

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The Artistic Beauty of Glass in the Eyes of Sara Ang

The Artistic Beauty of Glass in the Eyes of Sara Ang 1703 2560 Design Business Chamber Singapore

How did Synergraphic design start?

Synergraphic Design was founded by Florence, my mother, who is a glass artist and businesswoman. In its early days, it offered only plain glass panels for windows and doors. But as an artist, my mother felt that instead of leaving the glass plain, the panels could in fact become a canvas for her art and design. Hence, over the years, Synergraphic accumulated techniques in cold, warm and hot glassmaking to create art and design works in glass.

Why Glass?

Glass is beyond a very functional material (food-safe, non-porous hence weather-resistant and hygienic, transparent, reflective, etc). It is also a wonderful material for art and design in its endless applications spanning interior and architectural spaces, lighting, furniture, dining ware, vessels, etc. Hence, there is still so much more discovery to be made of this intriguing and incredible material. 

Sara Ang from Synergraphic raves about her mum and shares about her work, mantra and more.

I love many things:

  • Working with people who are so different, with varying strengths and bringing them together to work as a team
  • Sharing with people the amazing possibilities in glass that they have never seen or thought of
  • Finding new ways to work with glass to create new fluidities and effects to transform spaces
  • Sharing the craft with people through hands-on workshops  

But I guess what I love most is that I get to create unique art and design works in glass that meet our customers’ varying needs, and it is done not because I do it myself, but because I have to bring people together who have vastly different strengths, to make it happen.

Outside of work, what do you enjoy doing the most?  

Spending time with my 2.5 years old daughter and drinking alcohol.

Is there anyone that inspires you in life?  

My mother, absolutely ❤. She is the most gracious, generous and strongest person I have ever met and I am very much a result of what she has poured into my life and demonstrated for me.

What is the most important piece of advice you have been given?  

‘It could be worse.’ (commonly said by my mother). It seems like an inconsequential statement but I think it really is a representation of an optimistic state of mind of choosing to see and believing that things are never as bad as they seem. It is a statement of gratitude, which empowers us to keep going and fighting 😊

What is the most important message you want to share with younger women who are thinking about their careers?

Everything begins with knowing and acknowledging who you are, weaknesses, fears and strengths alike. Once you’re comfortable in your own skin, you will never feel the need to strive to become somebody you’re not or whom you may think society/organisations require of you. With clarity on who you are, and with faith, you will be able to remain steadfast in the small steps even in the face of winds of change. Keep strengthening the strengths that you already have, know what you have to offer, and you will find yourself well-positioned to work in the team or the ecosystem that you’re in.

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AgeGracefully’s Founder, Tan Lee Tuan

AgeGracefully’s Founder, Tan Lee Tuan 573 568 Design Business Chamber Singapore

What inspires you?

Reading a book by Pastor Rick Warren titled “The Purpose Driven Life”.

Why do you do what you do?

In the pursuit of a purpose-driven life, I set up AgeGracefully to develop innovative eldercare lifestyle products that enable the elderly to live safely and age gracefully.

What changes would you like to see in the design ecosystem?

More commercially viable inclusive solutions. Solutions which are able to hit the right balance between commercial viability and inclusiveness. 

What does design mean to you?

Design is an intriguing and functional expression of empathy. 

What do you think design can do to change the world?

Design can persuade us to make better judgments.

Lee Tuan from Bekind Solutions is the man behind numerous elderly care products designed to empower seniors such as the Smart Walking Sticks collection.

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BINO 1000 750 Design Business Chamber Singapore

BINO, short for Bearing Inspector for Narrow-space Observation, is a tethered Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) system designed to carry out the inspection of rail viaduct bearings in narrow and difficult to access environments. It negates the need for time-consuming and dangerous in-person human visual inspections and resolves existing operation constraints, while enhancing inspection quality and improving efficiency and safety.

How do you think your design has impacted users?

BINO enhances the safety aspect of the rail viaduct inspection operation by eliminating the need for a human to inspect the bearings at high heights. It also produces more accurate inspection results, while shortening the inspection operation time as compared to current methods. This is critical for determining the condition of the infrastructure used by millions of commuters each day.

These inspection results consist of key measurements extracted from the different bearing parts, to check if the measurements are beyond a certain threshold. The dimension extraction algorithm developed enables BINO to extract key measurements within millimetre resolution. Previously this was done using human-based manual visual inspection.

This combination of the UAV platform coupled with smart algorithms provides inspectors with the complete end-to-end solution, transforming and digitalising the current inspection process.

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Muzen Wild Mini Outdoor Bluetooth Speaker

Muzen Wild Mini Outdoor Bluetooth Speaker 1000 679 Design Business Chamber Singapore

Boasting an all-metal casing with armoured car surface coating and emergency lights, this mini bluetooth outdoor speaker is not just functional but also stylish. Rugged for use anywhere, it packs a high-powered digital amplifier and has speakers capable of louder sound output compared to other speakers of a similar size.

Yulu Guo, Founder and Designer, TOFUNDESIGN

How do you think Muzen Wild Mini Outdoor Bluetooth Speaker has impacted users?

“I am not trying to influence users, but to address user needs through design. Many of the products I’ve designed have been given a second lease of life through DIY recreation in the hands of consumers.”

This is not defined by me, but by users who are given their own freedom and imagination through tapping into their lifestyles and creativity.

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Designers are Makers of Unifying Designs

Designers are Makers of Unifying Designs 1394 1042 Design Business Chamber Singapore

What is your personal mantra?

“Finalise it. Whatever the idea is, however small it is, always try to make a presentable milestone.”

What inspires you?

Problem situations inspire me. Like many people, I encounter problems daily- big or small. Many of them may already have existing solutions. But sometimes, I get lucky and encounter a problem with very few existing solutions. Even when a problem has a decent solution for it, I enjoy the interesting process of trying to understand its background and ideate my own version of it. 

Why do you do what you do?

I think any job with ‘designer’ in it can be associated with the nature of being ‘makers’. The key characteristic I believe makers share is that the biggest joy of being a maker is to have a chance to materialise a concept. It could be visualised as a sketch or a presentation. If the idea is solid enough, it could have a chance to be given a physical form. If the idea gets big enough momentum, it will bring in more minds and evolve itself. The fulfilment I gain from making things happen is something I can’t find doing anything else. 

What is the most important lesson you learned?

Designs have no boundaries. Anybody can have any idea. But crafting a solution is no easy feat and an art that not anybody can do. For that reason, there are always points to learn if that idea is in the market. 

What’s your advice for those passionate about pursuing a career in design?

Browse the world around you ‘a lot’.

What changes would you like to see in the design ecosystem?

I’d like to see more projects embrace design thinking in the early stage. Realising problems and fine-tuning details in earlier stages can make a big impact on human society. With empathy at the heart of design thinking, the design ecosystem will grow in multitudes.  

What does design mean to you?

A collaboration between understanding and balancing. 

What made you join dbcs circle?

I was trying to reach out to design groups in Singapore as a Korean/American designer. 

What do you think design can do to change the world?

Design thinking can bridge minds from different backgrounds. Nowadays, a customer group is getting bigger and products are produced in masses now more than ever. Design has the potential to bring the world together. 

Yuree Hwang is a Korean and American product designer living in Singapore and is a strong believer of the power of the story behind every product and brand.  

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STB SVC Lite Tablet App

STB SVC Lite Tablet App

Blog SG Mark 2021 Winner's Spotlight SG Mark 2022 Winner's Spotlight SG Mark 2023 Winner's Spotlight
The inspiration and journey behind creating the Singapore Visitor Centre Lite (SVC) Tablet Application.
Animal Shelter for House of Joy and Mercy

Animal Shelter for House of Joy and Mercy

Blog SG Mark 2021 Winner's Spotlight SG Mark 2022 Winner's Spotlight SG Mark 2023 Winner's Spotlight
A foster home in Hong Kong for abandoned animals, especially catering to the displaced animals from the North East New Territories Redevelopment Plan.
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Reimagining Berita Harian

Reimagining Berita Harian 1000 590 Design Business Chamber Singapore

A revamped news-reading experience was curated for the Malay community to offer them a distinctly Malay perspective. In the redesign of the webpage, social conversations, including podcasts and videos, were brought to the fore. Since the launch in February 2020, the title has seen a two-fold increase in monthly page views to more than 2 million.

Alistair Norris, Director of Design, Agency

How has SG Mark helped you in your area of work?

The SG Mark allows Agency to let the world know about our work. Many projects we do or have done are secret or are still in the process of going to market. The Berita Harian project is one of the few that we can be very explicit about in regards to the work, the design outcome and its impact on the audience and the business.

How our design has impacted users?

The first launch revamp saw its monthly page views increase more than two-fold, from less than a million monthly page views to an average of more than two million each month. The number of users who go on the website has also increased, from roughly 350,000 users before February to more than 500,000 monthly now.

All of this was done whilst taking the BH Newspapers initial ‘Brief to Implementation’ time down from 8 months to 3 months. Along with the delivery of a fully functioning design system based on the ATOM model, a release plan and UX design solutions for the next 2-3 iterations. To continue the improvements to how new innovation was uncovered and establish a raft of new tools were created for interviewing and prototyping within SPH to support the sustained continuation of the approach after the project.

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STB SVC Lite Tablet App

STB SVC Lite Tablet App

Blog SG Mark 2021 Winner's Spotlight SG Mark 2022 Winner's Spotlight SG Mark 2023 Winner's Spotlight
The inspiration and journey behind creating the Singapore Visitor Centre Lite (SVC) Tablet Application.
Animal Shelter for House of Joy and Mercy

Animal Shelter for House of Joy and Mercy

Blog SG Mark 2021 Winner's Spotlight SG Mark 2022 Winner's Spotlight SG Mark 2023 Winner's Spotlight
A foster home in Hong Kong for abandoned animals, especially catering to the displaced animals from the North East New Territories Redevelopment Plan.
1 4 5 6 7 8 25

Through the Lens of Time, Singapore Discovery Centre, Upper Gallery

Through the Lens of Time, Singapore Discovery Centre, Upper Gallery 1000 750 Design Business Chamber Singapore

Believing that visitors learn best through experiences, Singapore Discovery Centre’s Upper Gallery permanent exhibition “Through the Lens of Time” takes visitors on an immersive journey through 700 years of Singapore’s history. Designed by Pico Art International Pte Ltd, the multimedia shows and art installations allow participants to see, feel and lose themselves in various scenarios, from the founding of Singapore to the Japanese Occupation to Independence.

Peh Yee Joo, Gallery Director, Singapore Discovery Center

“Singapore Good Design Mark gives us professional recognition for good concepts and design.”

Singapore Discovery Centre “Through the Lens of Time” Permanent Exhibits Gallery has impressionable thematic spaces designed for visitors to immerse, explore, interact and respond to the different facets of Singapore’s past. 

Using theatrical settings and through the lens of time, visitors are discovering the diverse stories and appreciating the dynamic nature of history, where narratives and voices interact with each other to form new understanding and perspectives. 

Visitors are actively engaged in the space and they enjoy this unique immersive educational experience. The team will continue to innovate with design and in projects that create social value and positive impact to Singapore and the world around us.

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STB SVC Lite Tablet App

STB SVC Lite Tablet App

Blog SG Mark 2021 Winner's Spotlight SG Mark 2022 Winner's Spotlight SG Mark 2023 Winner's Spotlight
The inspiration and journey behind creating the Singapore Visitor Centre Lite (SVC) Tablet Application.
Animal Shelter for House of Joy and Mercy

Animal Shelter for House of Joy and Mercy

Blog SG Mark 2021 Winner's Spotlight SG Mark 2022 Winner's Spotlight SG Mark 2023 Winner's Spotlight
A foster home in Hong Kong for abandoned animals, especially catering to the displaced animals from the North East New Territories Redevelopment Plan.
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