
Women in Law: Pioneering the Future of Intellectual Property

Women in Law: Pioneering the Future of Intellectual Property 1080 901 Design Business Chamber Singapore

How crucial is intellectual property for business growth, particularly in specialised industries?

Intellectual Property (IP) is crucial for business growth and risk reduction in any industry. IP provides legal protection, enhances competitive advantage, generates revenue, and ensures financial and operational stability. By strategically managing IP assets, businesses can safeguard their ideas and innovations, build strong market positions, and mitigate both internal and external risks.

How do you stay updated on intellectual property law trends and integrate them into your practice?

The first priority is to be updated on business trends. Since business constantly responds to or creates consumer needs, it is dynamic and constantly changing. The law always has to play “catch up” with business. Once the business model is well understood, the next step is to apply the law as it pertains to the business.

My team and I continually attend relevant training by IP regulators and specialised IP associations both in Singapore and globally. We also keep ourselves updated with the latest decided cases from our Singapore courts as well as other countries.  Networking with our counterparts in Singapore and globally facilitates the exchange of ideas in the practice of IP law.

What are the key intellectual property considerations for international businesses entering Asia Pacific?

Understanding local IP, business laws and regulations is key. Unlike regions like the Middle East, Europe, or the Americas, where countries in each region often have similar laws and regulations, the laws and regulations of countries in the Asia Pacific region are as diverse as the cultures of each country.

Another important factor is understanding local cultural sensitivities. Since IP involves both legal and business aspects, a successful IP strategy must consider the language and culture of the consumer. For example, a simple English word used in a brand name may sound inappropriate in a local language.

Additionally, staying informed about government policies and initiatives related to business and IP is crucial, as they can impact business operations and IP strategies. Engaging in lobbying and advocacy efforts can influence IP and business policy development and enforcement practices.

Lastly, leveraging regional initiatives that aim to harmonise IP laws and practices across Asia, and utilising trade agreements like the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP), can help strengthen IP protection.

What inspired you to establish a specialised IP law practice, and how has your vision evolved?

I have been practising IP law for more than 25 years. At the start of my practice, my clientele consisted of foreign IP owners from western countries, Japan, Korea, and Taiwan, who understood the value of IP, hence investing in IP protection was a given.

However, this was not the case for Singaporean businesses. Around 2000, I started noticing larger Singapore SMEs beginning to take an interest in IP. However, since the traditional law firm works on a business model of “billable hours”, it was very difficult to service the Singapore SMEs.

In-depth IP knowledge could not be shared within a few hours. I saw a need for Singapore SMEs to receive proper IP advice and realised the only way to do that was to establish my own firm, free from the constraints of billable hours.

Alpha & Omega Law Corporation turns 21 this year and we still keep our focus on helping and sharing with Singapore SMEs.

What are the main challenges and opportunities you foresee in intellectual property law in the future through the advancement of technology?

Some challenges include determining IP ownership for AI-generated creations and whether AI can be considered an inventor, as advancements in technology raise questions about how to allocate rights.

Advances in biotechnology, such as gene editing, present ethical and legal dilemmas regarding patentability and the scope of IP protection.

Additionally, the global nature of e-commerce platforms, combined with the Internet’s anonymity and lack of verification standards, has increased website impersonations and counterfeit listings, making it easier for counterfeit goods to cross borders while complicating enforcement efforts.

Lastly, striking a balance between incentivising innovation through strong IP protections and ensuring public access to essential technologies, such as life-saving drugs and clean energy solutions, is an ongoing challenge.

On the other hand, opportunities exist with blockchain technology, which can enhance IP management by providing indisputable records of IP ownership, transactions, and licensing agreements, thereby reducing disputes and improving transparency.

AI can also be used to monitor and detect IP infringements more efficiently, such as identifying counterfeit products or unauthorised use of copyrighted materials online.

Finally, leveraging digital platforms to educate creators, businesses, and the public about IP rights can enhance awareness and compliance.

Can you share a life experience that shaped you both personally and professionally?

Life experiences over nearly six decades have shaped me personally and professionally. I grew up in a lower-middle class, traditional Catholic family. My parents emphasised strong family values, including integrity, kindness, diligence, sharing, adaptability, and supporting one another.

I bring these same values to my professional life. These lessons continue to guide me as I navigate the complexities of protecting and enforcing IP rights in a globalised world for my clients.

Share a favourite book/movie/TV show that has left a lasting impression on you, and why?

The Secret Seven and Famous Five books by Enid Blyton, as well as the Hardy Boys and Nancy Drews series, brought adventure, suspense, excitement, and imagination into my life while growing up many decades ago – especially during school holidays when there was nothing to do!

If you could turn back time, what advice would you give to your younger self?

Don’t chase the corporate ladder; be yourself and believe in your abilities. Be grateful for everything, especially the challenges. Enjoy the outdoors and sports, and always put others first.

Renee Xavier, Founder and Director, Alpha & Omega Law Corporation

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Women in Law: Pioneering the Future of Intellectual Property

Women in Law: Pioneering the Future of Intellectual Property

Blog Member's Spotlight
From litigator to IP law champion, Renee’s journey reflects her passion for transforming intangible assets into real success.
Power Tracks Solutions: Enhancing Convenience & Design

Power Tracks Solutions: Enhancing Convenience & Design

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Explore Kenneth Ong's innovative approach to designing power track systems that enhance functionality and aesthetics, providing convenient solutions for homeowners.
Why UX and CX Will Make or Break Businesses in 2024

Why UX and CX Will Make or Break Businesses in 2024

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In 2024, it'll be more critical for organisations to prioritise UX and CX to attract and retain users in the ever increasing digital and on-demand world.
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Power Tracks Solutions: Enhancing Convenience & Design

Power Tracks Solutions: Enhancing Convenience & Design 1333 1500 Design Business Chamber Singapore

From CEO to Chief Photographer – How do you manage to maintain balance and focus across your various roles and businesses?

Managing various roles and businesses requires a keen sense of prioritisation and time management. I ensure that I allocate dedicated time and attention to each aspect of my work, setting clear goals and deadlines to stay focused and organised. Leading various organisations in the power track segment has been a rewarding challenge.

With 24 years of experience since the inception of the power track concept, I am confident that I am the most experienced person still serving in this industry. This specialised market has allowed me to hone my ability to navigate the intricate demands of each role. Photography, on the other hand, serves as a creative outlet that complements my technical expertise, requiring a different set of skills that I find equally fulfilling.

How did you ensure that both aesthetics and usability were prioritised throughout the product design process of Line8 Power Rail System?

Designing products for a diverse user base, from children to the elderly with varying levels of technical knowledge, is a complex yet rewarding process. With the internet enabling homeowners to easily research and find top-notch examples of design and function for home renovation and equipment, the bar of expectation has been raised.

Homeowners now expect the best and most beautiful products for their homes. They prioritise both aesthetics and usability in the Line8 Power Rail System to ensure simplicity, safety, and efficiency for every user. From polished aluminium accents that double as active grounded electrical shields to the child-safe push-pull switch on our premium adaptors, every detail is meticulously crafted to meet the highest standards of design and function.

Do you have any examples of how you’ve incorporated user feedback and insights into refining your products and services?

User feedback is invaluable in refining the concept and design of Line8. For instance, our common rail locking mechanism was developed in response to concerns from corporate customers about unauthorised removal of adapters. This mechanism provides an elegant and simple solution for facility managers to control adapter removal, thereby enhancing security and user experience.

What are some of the problems or challenges that led to an innovative solution at Line8?

One of the greatest challenges of designing a power track system is ensuring it lasts almost indefinitely without any maintenance. This is a very difficult task, but it’s a challenge we’ve embraced with Line8.

Unlike typical home appliances or other power tracks that require replacement and maintenance every few years, Line8 is designed to work like a wall outlet, with the expectation of many years of maintenance-free operation.

To meet this requirement, we designed Line8 differently, ensuring it is not built like a normal electrical appliance where replacement is expected every few years. We build every component with the best materials and engineer it to last a lifetime, setting us apart from other power track manufacturers and suppliers. To support our claim and product design, we even offer a lifetime warranty.

What exciting projects does Line8 have in store for the near future?

We are excited to integrate IoT technology into our power tracks and adaptors to provide additional functionality and convenience. Given the stability of IoT technology today, we believe this integration will usher in a new era of smart and dependable power outlets, enhancing the user experience in both residential and commercial spaces.

How do you unwind on weekends? Any personal hobbies?

I enjoy playing the guitar and drums. The versatility and simple design of the guitar fascinate me, and collecting electric guitars has become a passion. Playing the drums allows me to unwind and express myself in a different way.

If you could travel anywhere in the world right now, where would you go and why?

Japan is a destination that has always intrigued me. Despite my extensive travels, I have yet to experience Japan’s rich culture and traditions firsthand. I look forward to immersing myself in the Japanese way of life and exploring its vibrant cities and serene landscapes.

What’s something on your bucket list that you’re determined to accomplish someday?

One of my long-term goals is to engage with and learn from the top business leaders of the world. I aspire to share ideas, gain insights, and contribute to the global business community, thereby fostering innovation and collaboration.

Kenneth Ong, CEO, Founder and Inventor of Line8

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Women in Law: Pioneering the Future of Intellectual Property

Women in Law: Pioneering the Future of Intellectual Property

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From litigator to IP law champion, Renee’s journey reflects her passion for transforming intangible assets into real success.
Power Tracks Solutions: Enhancing Convenience & Design

Power Tracks Solutions: Enhancing Convenience & Design

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Explore Kenneth Ong's innovative approach to designing power track systems that enhance functionality and aesthetics, providing convenient solutions for homeowners.
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Why UX and CX Will Make or Break Businesses in 2024

Why UX and CX Will Make or Break Businesses in 2024 2560 1920 Design Business Chamber Singapore

Organisations today understand the fact that user experience (UX) and customer experience (CX) can make or break their services; for consumer facing businesses, the bar gets higher every year. For example, a welcome drink during a hotel check-in used to delight customers, but today it has become a standard onboarding offer in many hotels.

In 2024, it’ll be more critical for organisations to prioritise UX and CX to attract and retain users in the ever increasing digital and on-demand world. As business leaders, how do we build a more customer centric culture with our teams and help our key stakeholders recognise the business impact of what consistent great customer experience in an increasingly digital world?

The Growing Importance of UX and CX in 2024

Customers Expect More Seamless Experiences

Customers will expect personalised, seamless experiences across all touchpoints. If your business can’t deliver a frictionless experience, users will go elsewhere that offers more convenience. We may observe this trend through the rising popularity of digital banks and super apps.

AI & ML Will Enhance Experiences

Technological progress in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) will allow organisations to analyse customer journey mapping, gain insights into pain points, and make real-time improvements. We may observe this trend through an increasing number of self-service kiosks and digital assistants as part of the customer support and onboarding process. If the right data is in place, a degree of personalised experience is made possible.

Emerging Technologies Add New Possibilities

Emerging tech like AR/VR will transform user experience and customer experience with devices like Apple Vision Pro opening up new possibilities. As customers move from search based queries via Google to question based queries via ChatGPT, getting voice interactions right will play an increasingly critical role.

Customer Experience is a Differentiator

In 2024, customer experience will overtake price and product as the key brand differentiator. Organisations which make experience a priority, gather customer insights, personalise user interactions and leverage new technologies will build loyalty and see greater success. The first few organisations that get their emerging technology experience right in their respective categories, will win the hearts of new customers and unlock cost savings via automation in the process. Investing in UX and CX capabilities today will pay off dividends.

How UX and CX Impact Key Business Metrics

Great UX and CX has direct impact on business impact with increasing customer acquisition costs and higher consumer expectations.

Increased Customer Retention

According to various studies, the probability of selling to an existing customer is 60–70%, while the probability of selling to a new customer is only 5–20%. Loyal customers also tend to spend more. Hence, improving UX and CX is key to higher retention and customer lifetime value.

Customer Acquisition via Word-of-Mouth

With a great experience, customers will see your brand in a positive light. This boosts brand perception and recognition, which leads to increased word-of-mouth marketing and referrals. According to the book ‘How Brands Grow: What Marketers Don’t Know’, investing in brand building, lowers overall customer acquisition costs in marketing campaigns. Referrals are also one of the most effective ways to gain new customers since people trust recommendations from friends and family.

Higher Revenue and Profits

When you deliver an engaging UX and CX, you’ll drive higher sales and profits. Happy users buy more and are willing to pay premium prices. They also cost less to serve since they require less customer support. Studies show that improving CX at a company with $1 billion in revenue can increase profits by $775 million over three years (Qualtrics, 2018).

Focusing on user experience and customer experience may require extra effort, but the payoff can be huge. By optimising your UX and CX, you’ll boost key metrics like retention, brand perception, revenue, and profits. In today’s competitive landscape, superior UX and CX can serve as a sustainable competitive advantage.

UX and CX Best Practices for Business Leaders

When speaking to fellow business leaders, they mention their teams recognise the importance of great UX and CX but often find it difficult to start building a more customer centric culture. We encourage all leaders to focus in the following areas.

Encourage collaboration

Successful UX and CX require collaboration across teams. Leaders have to encourage employees from product, design, marketing, and customer service to work together. Their combined insights into user needs and pain points will result in impactful solutions. Leaders should adopt a transparent approach and provide opportunities for cross-functional brainstorming and feedback.

Continuous improvement

UX and CX are ongoing processes, not one-time fixes. Leaders should monitor key metrics like customer satisfaction, retention, and conversions to see what’s working and not working. They should regularly gather user feedback through surveys and interviews to look for avenues to optimise the user journey and overall experience based on the data and input. Incremental improvements over time can have a huge impact.

Observe and listen

The best way to understand your users’ needs is by observing them in action and listening to them. It is important for the team to understand how people interact with your product or service and for them to take note of any negative point. It was one of the biggest take-aways from the business leaders and managers of CBRE Group who attended our customised training workshop, one of who summarised it simply as “Don’t assume. Do research. Brainstorm and discuss the ideas”.  Leaders should relay the importance of customer feedback to their teams in order for them to identify areas of improvements. Look for common themes and insights that can drive meaningful change.

Data-driven decisions

Teams should leverage data to gain useful customer insights that inform important business decisions. Analytics tools can show you how users move through your product or service, where they drop off, what they find most valuable, and more. Quantitative data with qualitative feedback should be paired for a complete picture of the customer experience. Use key metrics to identify the key areas of improvement. As a participant from Maxis who attended our UX Training for Teams workshop said post-course, it is important to “Understand consumers and how we can play with their psychology to drive a particular action”.

With a focus on collaboration, continuous improvement, observation, and data-driven decisions, business leaders can gain a competitive advantage through standout UX and CX. But the work is never done—keep listening, keep collaborating, keep optimising, and keep exceeding user expectations.

Hiring the right talent or train/coach them

To build a user-focused culture in any organisation, hiring the right people is key. If there is willingness internally to change, then investing in training and coaching can reap better results than expensive talent acquisition strategies.

If hiring, look for candidates with a product mindset, strong communication skills, and a passion for innovation. These soft skills, combined with technical expertise, will help your team develop a deep understanding of customers and find creative solutions to their problems.

If training or coaching, look for team members who are data centric and empathetic with a high attention to detail. Change agents have one thing in common, a strong desire to continuously improve.

Conclusion: Putting the customer at the centre

Ultimately, building a customer-centric culture comes down to putting the customer at the centre of every business decision. Use data and insights to gain a deeper understanding of your customers’ behaviours, motivations, and pain points. Then, involving the Voice of Customer to be represented in your business strategies, customer journeys and innovation initiatives. Continuous investment in delighting your customers helps build brands sustainably. It’s really that simple.

To find out more about enhancing your UX and CX capabilities within your team members, kindly reach out to the CuriousCore Team!

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From litigator to IP law champion, Renee’s journey reflects her passion for transforming intangible assets into real success.
Power Tracks Solutions: Enhancing Convenience & Design

Power Tracks Solutions: Enhancing Convenience & Design

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Explore Kenneth Ong's innovative approach to designing power track systems that enhance functionality and aesthetics, providing convenient solutions for homeowners.
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Home Innovation: Power at Your Fingertips

Home Innovation: Power at Your Fingertips 864 864 Design Business Chamber Singapore

Tell us more about yourself and what inspired you to start ShopXR?

I am a passionate creator who thrives on staying at the forefront of technological trends and am driven by a desire to bring innovative solutions to real-world challenges.

The spark for ShopXR ignited during my partner’s family DIY home renovation project, where there was an overwhelming process of self-research, planning, and sleepless nights envisioning interior layouts before deciding on purchases. It also led me to engage in conversations with other friends who were undergoing home renovations, and it dawned upon me how common of a struggle it is for many homeowners.

With that, ShopXR emerged as the solution, empowering homeowners and alleviating those head-scratching moments when visualising and deciding on the perfect appliance or furniture for their home. We transform those researching and purchasing journeys into a more seamless and immersive experience for all.

As the founder of ShopXR, what are some key challenges you faced and how did you overcome them?

As pioneers in cutting-edge technology, ShopXR encountered the pivotal challenge of achieving a strong product-market fit. To overcome this, we delved into extensive market research early on, engaging in continuous conversations with potential clients to gain a deeper understanding of their needs.

This iterative process allowed us to refine what we can offer and establish a more robust connection between our augmented reality solutions and the evolving demands of homeowners renovating their houses.

Is there anything you want to share about Augmented Reality that people might not be aware of?

Augmented Reality goes beyond mere visual enhancements; it is a transformative tool that bridges the gap between imagination and reality. Beyond the wow-factor of virtual objects in physical spaces, augmented reality has the power to enhance productivity, streamline processes, and redefine user experiences across various industries.

As technology continues to evolve, what is the importance of Augmented Reality especially in the world of business and design?

Augmented reality heralds a new era in communication, breaking free from the constraints of two-dimensional spaces. It provides depth, multiple perspectives, and immersive experiences, enabling audiences to truly engage with designs and products. This not only eradicates communication barriers in businesses but also unlocks unexplored creative possibilities, ushering in a design revolution.

What are some exciting developments we can expect from ShopXR in 2024?

In 2024, ShopXR is poised to introduce groundbreaking technologies, setting new benchmarks in the market. Our focus is on empowering homeowners with even more advanced and intuitive product visualisation tools, ensuring that ShopXR remains at the forefront of technological innovation.

What motivates you to work hard?

Internally, I find discomfort in stagnation and lack of productivity. A long pause feels painfully uncomfortable, compelling me to always push forward. This internal drive helps to fuel my commitment to working hard and pushing boundaries to achieve continuous growth and innovation.

What do you think is your superpower?

My superpower lies in my ability to break down complex concepts into manageable components and analyse them logically. This skill has not only enabled me to continuously seek and acquire new skills but also to better conceptualise innovative ideas and navigate towards achieving and reaching my goals in life.

What are you grateful for?

I am profoundly grateful for the unwavering support of my family, friends, clients, partners, and team who have stood by me. Their encouragement and belief in the vision of ShopXR have been invaluable, propelling us forward on this exciting journey of innovation and growth.

Brian Tay, Founder of ShopXR

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Beyond Trends: Raffles Design’s Green Revolution with Metro and SF Fiber Unveils Sustainable Fashion Style!

Beyond Trends: Raffles Design’s Green Revolution with Metro and SF Fiber Unveils Sustainable Fashion Style! 2560 1707 Design Business Chamber Singapore

As part of its curriculum promoting sustainability, Raffles Design collaborated with METRO (Singapore) and SF Fiber to create a stylish, versatile, and sustainable wardrobe for fashionable and busy professional ladies. The fashion collection, exclusive to Metro Department Store, embraces comfort, practicality, and responsible choices for a greener future.

Christy Wong, Fashion Director, Metro
Johnny Yong, Director of Product, SF Fiber
Angeline Hoshi, Graduate, Raffles College of Higher Education
Verinka Suwanto, Graduate, Raffles College of Higher Education
Angelia Tamara Putri, Graduate, Raffles College of Higher Education
Britney Kirtley Wikarso, Graduate, Raffles College of Higher Education

1. What are some new things you learned about yourself and the users as you were designing for the project?

Christy Wong: Throughout this journey, I have developed a heightened awareness of sustainability and its profound impact on our planet. The project allowed me to delve into SF Fiber’s commendable commitment to responsible production, gaining insights into its sustainable practices

I was inspired by the students from the Raffles Education Corporation. The project focused on creating a sustainable capsule for contemporary women, showcasing innovative thinking and dedication to eco-conscious fashion. One group caught my attention with their captivating concept, “Letter to Metro”. Their incorporation of interesting paper patterns based on the letters M, E, T, R, O, and S demonstrated a unique approach to sustainability.

Drawing inspiration from their outstanding zero-waste concept, I integrated their principles into my capsule. This not only complemented their vision but also reinforced the importance of incorporating sustainability practices into every aspect of the design process.

2. Do you believe in fashion trends? Why or why not?

I do believe in fashion trends, albeit to a certain degree. I find inspiration in what’s currently trending, especially looking ahead to the next 12 to 24 months. The dynamic nature of consumer behaviour and the ever-evolving landscape necessitate an awareness of emerging trends.

Colours, silhouettes, and the overarching inspiration and aspirations of consumers play a pivotal role in shaping fashion trends. Staying attuned to these elements allows for a more responsive and relevant approach to design and creativity.

In essence, while embracing trends, I also value the importance of timeless elements and individual style. It is a delicate balance that ensures a dynamic and engaging fashion journey.

3. What was the most difficult moment during the project and how did you overcome it?

Johnny Yong: Nothing in particular comes to mind, however, one of the most formidable moments during the project revolved around intricate fabric preparation aligned with our collection’s aesthetics vision.

Through collaborative efforts, we not only overcame this, we elevated the entire project through open communication and innovative solutions. This experience reinforced the importance of teamwork and adaptability in navigating the dynamic landscape of creative fashion design.

4. What are the biggest changes you’ve seen in the fashion industry during your career?

The pervasive influence of fast fashion has significantly altered the industry’s position. While it brings in rapid turnover of trends, the downside is the compromised control over quality standards. Witnessing a surge in clothing waste has been disheartening. 

The environmental toll of clothes disposal poses a substantial challenge in the industry. As we move into a sustainable era, actions need to be taken by the industry to move into a more responsible and conscientious future for fashion.

Let’s hear what the design students have to say!

5. What is your favourite part about collaborating with Metro and SF Fibre?

Working with a textile mill and a retailer allowed our students to bring their sustainable design ideas to life in the real world. It has taken learning out of the classroom and beyond the confines of being just a school project – our students ideas now have a real impact in the industry. This experience helped them develop their creative ideas about zero Waste pattern cutting into practical and fashionable products.

6. What is the most important thing to consider as a fashion designer?

As a fashion designer, one of the most important things to consider is to strike a balance between creativity and functionality. While expressing a unique aesthetic and design vision is crucial, it’s equally essential to ensure that a fashion creation is not only visually appealing but also addresses the practical aspects of daily life.

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Power Tracks Solutions: Enhancing Convenience & Design

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SNACK Savvy: Invest in yourself through your lifestyle!

SNACK Savvy: Invest in yourself through your lifestyle! 7452 2688 Design Business Chamber Singapore

SNACK is the only financial lifestyle app for the ultimate flexibility in micro insurance and investments. You never have to worry about hefty monthly premiums or lock-in periods ever again. Start, stop, whenever you feel like. Earn cashback that converts into insurance coverage and stack your micro insurance coverage and investments as you go about your daily activities!

Clara Yeo, Experience Designer, Income
Andrena Ong, Lead, Experience Design, Income
Hannah Tiong, User Experience Copywriter, Income
Samson Tan, Experience Designer, Income

1. What makes a good Experience Design?

It’s user-centred, meaning it prioritises the needs, preferences and behaviours of users. This involves incorporating clear navigation, intuitive interfaces and well-designed interactions that contribute to usability and emotional impact of the design. Positive emotions can enhance user satisfaction and engagement, achieved through a thoughtful use of colour, imagery and messaging. Pleasing aesthetics enhance the overall user experience, creating a positive perception of the product.

Visual design and content design constitute two integral parts of a whole. An essential component of good experience design is effective content design, often mistakenly reduced to being merely a wordsmith, synonym provider or grammar checker. However, content design is truly more than that; it involves designing with words. Exceptional content design possesses the ability to significantly impact business objectives.

2. What are the major steps in your creative process?

This is the usual process for us:

A. Gather information and materials

B. Deep dive into the problem statement

C. Step back away from the problem (luckily for us we have many other problems to solve in our roles)

D. Allowing the ideas to marinate to gain fresh new perspectives

E. Testing, testing, and more testing our ideas in the real world and adjusting our designs based on feedback

3.  What was the most difficult moment when developing your idea?

The most challenging part of developing a new idea arises when one must think outside the box while simultaneously considering business requirements. The whole design process is an extremely collaborative process that requires input from all team members, including product managers and developers.

4.  What are some new things that you learned about yourself and the users you were designing?

Surprisingly, many users opt to manually key in their personal information as opposed to choosing the more convenient (and faster) alternative of completing their applications via Singpass and Myinfo.

Moreover, we had no idea that a mental wellness product like our Self Care Pack would be such a great hit, after all, mental health can be a taboo subject. We initiated the design of Self Care Pack as the industry’s first subscription-based mental wellness insurance plan and the feedback has been amazing. People approach us to express how exceptional the product is and that it’s about time that mental wellness starts to be prioritised.

5. What are your future plans?

We plan to continue making insurance and investments accessible to everyone.

6. What was the inspiration behind your product/design/idea?

The inspiration was to discover a way to reach a customer segment that had previously been overlooked by the insurance industry. This may include the marginalised population lacking access to formal financial services and insurance products. SNACK digital insurance products are flexible, customisable and can be purchased and managed entirely online. 

Additionally, we wanted to create a financial lifestyle platform that seamlessly integrates into everyone’s daily lives, allowing people to enjoy everyday benefits like cashback and safeguard against unforeseen events with insurance coverage. Our goal is to enhance the financial well-being of everyone.

7. What is your design superpower?

In Andrena’s own words: “I’ve been told that I’m like Dr. Strange because I can see all the permutations and  almost instinctively know whether something works or not, relatively quickly – and if otherwise, what else is lacking. I’m able to rely on my inner compass to orchestrate and put everything together.”.

In Samson’s own words: “I think framing is my superpower. 20 years of photography as a passion has helped me to cultivate an innate sense of balance and aesthetics. Like capturing the perfect shot, I frame user experiences to evoke engagement and delight.”.

In Hannah’s own words: “I call myself the HannahGPT because I am like a machine when it comes to churning out copies.”.

8. What is the best part about your job?

Envisioning the design process from concept to actualisation. The moment when you see everything comes together and materialises into a tangible product that people would use and most importantly, benefit from.

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Unleash the Pixel Power: OuterEdit Graphic Brilliance Unveiled!

Unleash the Pixel Power: OuterEdit Graphic Brilliance Unveiled! 800 566 Design Business Chamber Singapore

OuterEdit has a vision to unite artists and designers, fostering a celebration of creativity on graphic canvases. After months of experimentation, OuterEdit introduced the world to its groundbreaking achievement—the first-ever online 5-way collaboration. This initiative not only involved local talents but also connected with international partners, bringing together thousands of creatives in an inspiring and collaborative process.

Ryan Tan, Founder & Creative Director, OuterEdit
April Luistro, Creative Strategy Lead, OuterEdit

1. How should designers deal with feedback?

Looking back at our own personal experiences, the approach we take to feedback always stems from keeping an open mindset. While feedback might hit you like a harsh critique at the beginning, it could also reveal itself to be a valuable piece of advice. 

When faced with challenges, we don’t see them as roadblocks; but instead recognise them as opportunities for unlearning, relearning, and a chance to exercise our creative thinking. It also becomes a discernment process, sifting through the input to identify what would be most helpful and impactful for your work. Oftentimes, you may even get pleasantly surprised at the positive outcomes that unfold from it. 

2. How have the needs for visual design changed over the years?

To us, we see visual design not just as an outcome, but as a platform. It is a powerful tool to emotionally connect with people and that purpose has always remained true over the years. It pointed us to the heart of what it means for us to be designers & creatives in an ever-complex, fast-paced society. It’s not about what you make, but what you can make happen, that’s different, better, pushes a needle, drives new solutions and ways of thinking to make a positive impact in the lives of others.

3. What was the most difficult moment when developing your idea?

Reflecting on our experience with Christmas with Our Trees, a challenging moment was striking a balance between meeting our clients’ commercial needs and staying true to the initiative’s original intent and creative vision—both crucial for project success. A business without soul lacks depth, and creativity without a business perspective may lack direction. Ultimately, success lies in mastering both ends of the spectrum.

The Don’t Mind If Inaugural Industry Report posed its own challenges as a self-initiated project. Collaborating with the Don’t Mind If team, we eagerly crafted a brief free from client constraints. Despite navigating pandemic restrictions and working with zero budget, it became a labour of love—sifting, processing, and visually translating countless pages of raw data, all on volunteered time.

Facing another challenge, our goal was to design not just a report but a publication for and with the local communications design industry, community, and profession. It aimed to be an accomplished piece of graphic design—a true representation of our community and what graphic designers can achieve together.

4. What are some new things you learned about yourself and the users as you were designing?

Our journey with Christmas with Our Trees served as a profound learning experience because it marked a completely new and unprecedented path for us. The initiative began with a conscious effort to introduce an authentic, intentional, and local Christmas celebration by emphasising the significance of our local trees at a time typically associated with splendour and extravagance. 

The true measure of its value and impact became evident when upon the installation tear down, Millenia Walk (MW)’s shoppers not only embraced the concept of adopting a locally-made, repurposed ‘seed’ block for themselves but some even opted to double their spending efforts to secure two. This unexpected response bolstered our collective confidence in how our creative efforts can be a vehicle for imparting meaningful messages, encouraging progressive behaviour, and enriching the holiday spirit in ways that go beyond the surface of glitter and glamour.  

In shaping the Don’t Mind If Inaugural Industry Report, we placed ourselves in the shoes of a reader, reflecting on what would excite us in a publication such as this, and what would inspire us to read on till the very end. More than visually showcasing a report, we wanted to treat this as a publication in its own right, representing the values, aspirations, spirit, and philosophy of the Don’t Mind If initiative and the communications design industry. 

This vision became our guiding principle to ensure each page or spread was as “poster worthy” as it could be while maintaining an easy-to-digest format. 

We also learned how to work smart with the limitations we had, tapping on existing resources while maintaining a high standard of design and print quality. And so the publication was designed and printed with 2 colours (+black) on dead stock paper generously sponsored by RJ Paper. 

Through this process, we also realised our responsibility and accountability in being able to represent the voices, and opinions of our community, and so another pivotal learning experience for us was to look through the data through an honest and progressive lens, ensuring that the findings and sentiments of the industry remain objective, balanced and true. No sugar coating, or gas lighting. Embracing inclusivity and diversity by representing all viewpoints. 

5. What are you future plans?

The past few years have ushered in a refreshing change for us at OuterEdit, as we’ve purposefully undertaken work and projects that are truly representative of our collective belief to make meaningful matter with bold ideas and impactful stories while connecting them with communities in fresh and unexpected ways. Initiatives like Christmas with Our Trees and the Don’t Mind If Inaugural Industry Report fall into this category among others.

Looking forward, our aspiration, as creative thinkers and solution-makers in the branding, graphic design and creative experience space, is to continue pushing boundaries, explore new ways of thinking, and most importantly, impart a positive difference and meaningful change to the lives of others. 

On that note, we are thrilled to share that the second edition of Christmas with Our Trees was also launched in partnership with the MW Creative Neighbourhood in November 2023. It is gratifying to see the fruits of our labour continuing to grow, presenting new opportunities to expand the narrative and further contribute to our local ecology. 

6. What was the inspiration behind your product/design/idea?

The inspiration for our projects goes back to our ethos of making meaningful matter. Fundamentally, what propels us is not just an ability but a responsibility, if not an obligation, to ensure that the essence of every project reflects matters of the heart. This principle is strongly reflected in initiatives like Christmas with Our Trees and the design process of the Don’t Mind If Inaugural Industry Report.

7. What is the best part about your job?

The most fulfilling aspect of our work lies in working with exceptional team members and partners, turning each project into an ongoing journey of learning and growth.

A prime example is our involvement in Christmas with Our Trees, which proved to be an incredibly enlightening experience. Initially unfamiliar with local trees, our interactions with one of the last remaining sawmills in Singapore unveiled lesser-known stories that deepened our understanding and appreciation for our local ecology and resources, especially during the festive period. 

Similarly, our foray into designing the Don’t Mind If Inaugural Industry Report began with little to no knowledge of data analysis and book publishing. Yet, it is through the process that we gained invaluable insights, empowering us to bring the project to completion and that is something we would consider immensely rewarding.

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Transform your view with the ZipBlind™ Revolution!

Transform your view with the ZipBlind™ Revolution! 800 533 Design Business Chamber Singapore

ZipBlind™ was created based on the company’s ethos of putting our customers first. With over 10 years of experience in the market, we studied the balcony needs of Singaporeans and gathered feedback from consumers who have purchased similar ZipBlind™ systems to create the ultimate blend of functionality and aesthetics. As a team, we banded together to challenge an industry where innovations are few and far between, constantly improving and pushing the boundaries to define the blinds of tomorrow.

Ryan Hong, Marketing Executive, ZipBlind™

1. How do you stay up to date with Product Design trends?

I tend to ideate on concepts that can possibly help with my daily life and research on the technologies or mechanisms that could potentially bring those concepts to fruition. I’ll meticulously search through Google to identify existing technologies that are capable of transforming my concepts into viable ideas. During this exploration, I often stumble upon valuable insights that not only inspire me to refine or reimagine my initial concepts but also spark new ideas to address different challenges. 

2. What is the role of empathy in Product Design?

To me, empathy is the heart of product design. If our designs aren’t tailored for human needs or desires, who would want it then? It’ll be more like an art piece than anything functional. Ultimately, a product’s success hinges on its ability to resonate with individuals and prompt a purchase.

3.  What was the most difficult moment when developing your idea?

When designing outdoor blinds, wear and tear is a natural occurrence. There’s no way to avoid the harsh reality of weathering. So, the question was, “How can we make ZipBlind™ last longer than the rest of the competition?”. It took a lot of research and development to arrive at the solution we have now which is to preserve the lifespan of our product for as long as possible.

4.  What are some new things that you learned about yourself and the users you were designing?

Being in the market for more than 10 years, our company has gathered extensive feedback from numerous Singaporean customers regarding their outdoor blinds purchases. But the issue that is most often overlooked is that when people purchase outdoor blinds, they look for the longest lasting blinds that can block out sun and rain. They often don’t consider the amount of light they block until the blinds are actually installed in their homes.

5. What are your future plans?

We are constantly innovating the blinds of tomorrow. However, our focus goes beyond simply introducing new features; we aim to reimagine the way people engage with outdoor blinds.

6. What was the inspiration behind your product/design/idea?

Our customers are our inspiration! Through feedback from our customers whether it is positive or negative, we have pooled them all together and found out what ticks them off and what makes them love having the outdoor blinds. This gave us the inspiration we needed to make ZipBlind™ something that Singaporeans would love.

7. What is your design superpower?

I’d like to say my superpower is all about improving the qualities of life. Because what’s not to love about having an easier life to live when you have products that can make it easier for you!

8. What is the best part about your job?

What’s most exciting is that I have the opportunity to establish ZipBlind™’s brand from the ground up and play a pivotal role in shaping both the brand and product through key decision-making.

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ErgoMastery 101: Elevate Your Work Experience with Smart Workspace Design

ErgoMastery 101: Elevate Your Work Experience with Smart Workspace Design 800 800 Design Business Chamber Singapore

Ergoworks are the premier ergonomics concept store that provides an integrated solution for one who appreciates the benefits of a healthy ergonomics lifestyle with their product; ‘Ergoworks Truly Perfect Ergonomic Chair’. Their extensive range of products is professionally endorsed and recommended by both The Chiropractic Association (Singapore) and the Singapore Physiotherapy Association. The endorsements are a testament to the protection and comfort that we offer. It goes without saying why many doctors, medical professionals, and posture trainers are customers too!

Joseph Tan, Founder, Ergoworks

1. How do you stay up to date with Product Design trends?

Our design team has adopted the S.A.F.E.L.Y concept into our workflow—a testament to our deep-rooted company values and principles. 

(S)ubscribe: We consistently subscribe to a variety of design magazines and publications, ensuring that we remain at the cutting edge of the latest trends and innovative designs that incorporate ergonomic principles.

(A)ttend: We attend furniture and interior design trade shows and exhibitions. These events are crucial for us to witness the latest products and concepts, and they provide invaluable opportunities for networking.

(F)ollow: We actively engage with international designers on social media platforms such as Instagram, Pinterest, and LinkedIn where we can gain insights into current trends and appreciate the work of our peers in the community.

(E)xplore: We explore the websites of reputable manufacturers and retailers to stay updated on the newest collections and popular design styles. Being at the forefront of design innovation is key.

(L)earn: We place a strong emphasis on learning from consumer feedback for our ongoing evolution in design. We study consumer preferences, their concerns about sustainability, and the latest technologies that can be incorporated into our designs. 

(Y)ou Stay Creative: ‘You Stay Creative’ is our guiding philosophy. We believe in being trendsetters rather than followers. As a pioneering brand in Asia in holistic ergonomic, posture care, and wellness solutions, we have to continually evolve and contribute to the broader industry’s progress.

Staying true to the concept has been instrumental in driving our success, fostering innovation, and ensuring ergonomic excellence in our designs.

2. What is the role of empathy in Product Design?

In our journey of ergonomic design, we realised that empathy is not just a component—it is the essence of creating meaningful products. This understanding is embodied by our E.C.O.S framework.

(E)rgonomics is at the core of our business. We are dedicated to designing products that ensure optimal usability and safety, minimising strain and discomfort while enhancing efficiency and productivity.

(C)onsumer feedback is invaluable to us. It helps bridge any gaps, highlights areas for improvement, and guides the development of future designs, ensuring that we are always in tune with our users’ needs.

(O)ur ergonomic products are designed to be versatile and adaptable, catering to a diverse range of individuals, settings, and requirements. Flexibility is crucial in creating ergonomic solutions that truly make a difference.

(S)ustainability is a key component of our design philosophy. We pay close attention to our manufacturing processes, the materials we use, and the lifecycle of our products. Adopting this sustainable mindset allows us to minimise waste and guarantee the durability of our products.

3.  What was the most difficult moment when developing your idea?

Striking the right balance between the aesthetic appeal of our furniture designs and their ergonomic functionality presented a significant challenge. Our aim was not just to create a product that is visually appealing, but also to fulfil genuine ergonomic requirements. This proved to be a complex task during the design process.

4.  What are some new things that you learned about yourself and the users you were designing?

We have delved deep into anthropometrics over the years. In the process, we accumulated a vast amount of data, conducting extensive research to understand the range of user sizes and proportions. This experience highlighted the importance of putting our customers and their evolving needs first. It gave us a renewed drive for continuous learning and innovation, solidifying our commitment to developing ergonomic furniture that is adaptable and can cater to a broad range of users.

5. What are your future plans?

We are exploring the potential of 3D printing technology to develop highly customisable ergonomic solutions and products tailored to individual needs. Our goal is to leverage this technology to enhance our problem-solving capabilities and potentially reduce costs in the process.

6. What was the inspiration behind your product/design/idea?

At the heart of our ergonomic design philosophy is human-centric design (HCD). We firmly believe in creating products with the end-user’s needs and experiences in mind. By gaining an understanding of human capabilities, limitations, and preferences, we are empowered to develop solutions that significantly elevate comfort, safety, and overall performance.

7. What is your design superpower?

Our design superpower lies in our unique ability to harmonise adaptability, comfort, and efficiency. The combination defines our approach to ergonomic design, which we believe sets us apart in our field.

8. What is the best part about your job?

The most rewarding aspect of our work is the opportunity to positively impact human well-being through thoughtful and effective design. At Ergoworks, we make ergonomic works for you. And we live by the mantra. It’s not just our job—it’s our mission and our passion.

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The Iconic Rifle Range Nature Park

The Iconic Rifle Range Nature Park 2560 1708 Design Business Chamber Singapore

Formerly an abandoned quarry site, the transformation of the 67-hectare park has turned Rifle Range Nature Park into a cherished destination. Restoring natural forest and wetland habitats, while providing recreational spaces for Singapore’s community, it has become a well-loved sanctuary.

Located near the Bukit Timah Nature Reserve, one of the last primary forests in Singapore, the park aims to preserve the island’s rainforest ecosystems, which are under threat from development and human activity. The design incorporates habitat creation, water-sensitive urban design, fauna protection, and heritage conservation to ensure the park’s long-term sustainability and flourishing.

Jelle Hendrik Therry, Design Director, Landscape Architect, Henning Larsen

1. Why is sustainability important in design nowadays?

The planet is in the midst of a biodiversity crisis and design has a significant role in shaping environments that are harmonious with nature and resilient in the face of climate change. Henning Larsen approaches landscape design with a systems design mindset; acknowledging that landscapes are intricate webs of relationships, where decisions impact the ecosystems, energy consumption and social dynamics.

Rifle Range Nature Park showcases a design approach with a deep contextual understanding. The park aims to rehabilitate the site and offer the local community with a space to appreciate the natural environment in Singapore. This initiative tackles biodiversity loss caused by encroaching developments on Bukit Timah Nature Reserve, one of Singapore’s last primary forests. 

2. How do you balance sustainability and commercialisation?

The global environmental issues faced over the years require an unrelenting effort to remedy. The situation will continue to deteriorate if no action is taken. Integrating sustainable design solutions adds long-term value to our projects.

3.  What are your future plans?

In landscape design, the uniqueness of each site, influenced by distinct conditions and possessing its own identity, ensures that no two designs are ever the same. This inherent individuality makes the future of landscape design an exciting prospect for me.

4.  What is your design superpower?

If we have a superpower, it is to clarify our stakeholders’ true needs and aspirations through a collaborative approach and provide win-win solutions that benefit all parties.

From that, we are able to build the foundation of any inspiring project. We pose critical design questions to redefine the problem statement for a larger end objective – working towards remediating climate change and loss of biodiversity. We aim to give the environment a regeneration boost, ensuring its sustained flourishing while minimising the need for intervention.

5. What is the best part about your job?

We believe that making the world a better place, playing a role in increasing biodiversity and being a part of people’s fond memories is a noble profession. Our designs contribute to the transformation Singapore into a Green City in Nature under the Singapore Green Plan 2030, the national agenda on sustainable development.

When people share the sense of pride, ownership and stories revolving around the landscapes we design, it is an ultimate indicator of a well-designed space and a great source of pride for us all at Henning Larsen.

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Power Tracks Solutions: Enhancing Convenience & Design

Blog Member's Spotlight
Explore Kenneth Ong's innovative approach to designing power track systems that enhance functionality and aesthetics, providing convenient solutions for homeowners.
Why UX and CX Will Make or Break Businesses in 2024

Why UX and CX Will Make or Break Businesses in 2024

Blog Editorial Highlights News
In 2024, it'll be more critical for organisations to prioritise UX and CX to attract and retain users in the ever increasing digital and on-demand world.
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