

EMBRACE! 500 500 Design Business Chamber Singapore

Project EMBRACE seeks to beautify Singapore’s landscape and unite people with MRT pillars.

Ar. Chio Wen Tian of CHIO Architects

I frequently go down to the track right by the MRT to run and I’ve often thought that the spaces could have been better utilised. The idea of EMBRACE is to clad the MRT columns with 22 used holding panels and allow members of the community to come together to paint them and express themselves.

About the project

The premise of this project stemmed from a far-sighted concern on the MRT system. Mindful about the implications the fixed corridors created by the network of on-grade MRT tracks have on our city when WFH becomes the norm, how can design spark online or physical conversations/collaborations to rejuvenate our community spirit in a post-pandemic Singapore?

EMBRACE cleverly reuses construction hoarding steel panels affixed on circular steel support around the MRT pillars, with hoarding panels serving as canvas for any community expression through Paint, Stick or Project. The initiative showcases our people’s ingenuity for turning an urban challenge into opportunity, while the colours and vibrancy of the adorned columns embraces our diversity, creativity and aspirations.

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MM Galleri prioritise top-quality stones that stand the test of time, retaining their exquisite veins and color.
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The House of Wind by the Chalk Architects

The House of Wind by the Chalk Architects

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The inspirational design journey of the Chalk Architects working on their project: House of Wind, a breeze-filled porous home.
Coulisse Heir, State-of-Art Scalp Therapy & Hair Remedy

Coulisse Heir, State-of-Art Scalp Therapy & Hair Remedy

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Empowering Career Conversion: Daylon Soh from CuriousCore

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3D Printing and Pokemon Enthusiast, Matt of Imagene Creative

3D Printing and Pokemon Enthusiast, Matt of Imagene Creative 1600 1066 Design Business Chamber Singapore

Tell us a little more about yourself. What excites you in life?

Hello, I am Matt, a photographer, a maker, and a designer. More importantly, I am a 3D printing enthusiast who enjoys creating new products that solve everyday problems. I work on a wide range of 3D printed projects ranging from architecture models, toy making, engineering solutions to many everyday products. As convenient as 3D printing is, not all parts of a product need to be 3D printed.

I often go shopping at stores like Daiso to hunt for a simple base product (for example a spray bottle) and enhance its features functionally or aesthetically by modifying the base product to suit it for a specific purpose. As a huge fan of Pokemon, I creatively recreate functional items that reflect the characteristics of some of my favourite Pokemons.

How was Imagene Creative founded?

Although Imagene Creative officially started in 2020, the preparation works started much earlier. When I was in university, I realised a market gap in which students are expected to complete their prototype for their course work within a certain time period, but there are often not sufficient resources in schools for everyone to utilise. That was when I began to provide a prototyping service via 3D printing.

I started off with only one personal 3D printer on hand, and as the business grew, I acquired more printers along the way. Through this journey, I met more like-minded people and that is where I got exposed to workshop facilitation in the area of design across various levels. I really wanted to advocate the convenience of self-printed products and the power of imagination that allow oneself to break free from the concept of forced adaptation of lifestyle based on the restriction by the readily-available-products in the market.

Currently, Imagene Creative is a start-up based in the SUTD Entrepreneurship Centre (EC) where the school provides support for its students and alumni to kickstart their creative process. This environment provides a safe harbour and a close network for like-minded individuals to spark creativity and mutual learning. 

From 3D printing services to offering workshops, which activity engages you the most?

I would say that both the 3D printing services and the conduct of workshops are closely related within the design ecosystem; they are in an upstream-downstream relationship. Firstly, the teaching of design or entrepreneurship allows students to create solutions on paper or in some form of 3D software, then there is a need to prototype them into the real-world space for testing, and that is where 3D printing comes in. 

Matthew Chiu is a young entrepreneur and the founder of Imagene Creatives, where he works on an array of 3D printed projects.

How did the PM50 project come about?

The PSM50 is a project that took all my skills to test. I was referred by one of my university professors in Architecture about an opportunity to re-create replicas of national monuments in Singapore in collaboration with the National Heritage Board (NHB). Having a degree in Architecture, creating 3D models of buildings should not be that difficult of a task, at least that is what I thought at first. In the engagement of PSM50, I was tasked to recreate digital 3D models of 11 renown monuments before 3D printing them physically within a short period of 2.5 months.

The real challenge lied where I had to recreate the digital 3D models without the full set of building documentation mainly due to security reasons. In order to complete the task, I will then have to rely on puzzling complete images of various sources together such as Google Maps, Google Earth, Instagram, and several onsite visits to determine the shape and proportions of the monuments. Another challenge involved the short timeline where I had to stagger the virtual model creation and the physical 3D printing. While the first monument had been loaded on the 3D printer, I would have to start on the next monument immediately. Though the job was tedious, I had a lot of fun learning about our history as I was detailing the model.

One of the 11 monument miniature models that I was tasked to create was the “Bowyer Block” that is located within the Singapore General Hospital (SGH). Besides the models needed for the PSM50 Exhibition, I was also tasked to fabricate extra Bowyer Block models that were going to be given as tokens-of-appreciations to VIPs during an important event. I was thrilled to be told that one of the Bowyer Block models was even presented to PM Lee.

How did you feel when you learned that you were awarded the Singapore Good Design Award?

I was really excited when I was notified about the award and the opportunity to be able to interact with fellow brilliant designers in Singapore. In my impression, SG Mark is a prestigious recognition given to the top designers across the sectors and I would not have fathomed receiving it before I got to work on the PSM50 exhibition.

During the gala dinner, I was honoured to be meeting so many like-minded individuals and organisations that are pushing the forefront of design in various aspects in their own unique ways. The award ceremony acts as a symposium that motivates and encourages people to solve everyday problems creatively using design as a focal point, to emphasise that there is more than one approach to solve the same problem; where each individual can potentially solve a similar problem in a very unique approach that leverages on their personal experiences and beliefs.

Overall, it was a fun and joyous experience in both knowing about getting the award and attending the actual event itself.

Is there any equipment or software that you use to help you manage your workload and productivity?

Yes, simply a 3D printer. The response may give the impression that I am a geek, but I wouldn’t want to be classified as one. Having a 3D printer at home keeps my brain active and allows me to immediately prototype my ideas into the real world, without having to wait till the next day at work. I do not particularly agree with the phrase “to sit on an idea and give it another thought”. I believe in the rapid cycle of “prototype – test – learn – repeat”.

Having to materialise my ideas allows me to test it immediately in terms of ergonomics and usability, which are aspects of design that are hard to foresee just by thinking. Thus, having a 3D printer at home grants me the power to create something overnight literally by just sending the file into the printer and heading to bed. 

One example was the involvement in the “MakersAgainstCovid19” organisation that was founded during the initial Covid days where the 3D printing community in Singapore collectively printed 52,000 ear-savers for the frontline workers within a short period of time. The ear-savers were printed and iterated in batches rapidly in accordance with the feedback obtained. 

What helps you to decompress and recuperate after work?

I indulge in a wide range of activities such as kayaking, prawning, 3D printing, photography, and surfing. Well, the most interesting activity to share might be my photography hobby where I have moved beyond digital cameras. When I say, “moved beyond”, most would think that I have shifted to something more high-tech. But no, it is the exact opposite. I am now doing Gameboy Photography which is a 1990s technology. Being a 90s kid, the Gameboy is something that I personally grew up with. But only recently did I realise that there is something called the Gameboy Camera which was released back in 1998 which I did not have the luxury to have back then.

The Gameboy Camera is basically a game cartridge with a built-in camera and allows the Gameboy device to become a camera upon plugging the cartridge in. Although the Gameboy Camera produces a low-resolution image, the image has a unique timeless style to it. As the Gameboy Camera has a built-in wide-angle lens, it is difficult to capture portraits with a rather clean background.

To mitigate the issue, online enthusiasts have attempted to combine a Gameboy Camera cartridge with modern DSLR camera lens with a customised adapter. In my case, I have 3D printed my own adapter using the online provided file and added my own modification of an extra grip for a more stable and pleasing shooting experience. The process of creating such an adapter had demonstrated my emphasis on the “prototype – test – learn – repeat” cycle as one will never get the prototype right on the first try itself.

Beyond working hours, do you have any commitments or activities that you pursue?  

Beyond working hours, I am actually a full-time dad for my 8-month-old daughter. From my very brief experience, juggling fatherhood and work is not easy at all but I will say it is indeed very fruitful when you see that happy face smiling at you after a long tiring day of work.

My love for 3D printing does not just get confined with work; I think it is more of a way of living to be constantly creative and try to problem-solve using design. I have designed and 3D printed various gadgets and toys that help me with fatherhood along the way whenever I encounter “opportunities”. Yes, I will identify those as opportunities instead of problems, so yes, I am quite “problem-free”! 

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The House of Wind by the Chalk Architects

The House of Wind by the Chalk Architects

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Coulisse Heir, State-of-Art Scalp Therapy & Hair Remedy

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Scratchbac 1778 1000 Design Business Chamber Singapore

Scratchbac was inspired by the thought of connecting neighbours together.

Jerry Neo of Scratchbac

Scratchbac is a proximity-based app that originally started out to solve my personal problem but the idea quickly grew to something bigger than myself.

We began organising events such as inviting neighbours to come down and play games together and small markets where people could bring down and exchange their pre-loved items with one another.

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Animal Shelter for House of Joy and Mercy

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A foster home in Hong Kong for abandoned animals, especially catering to the displaced animals from the North East New Territories Redevelopment Plan.
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MM Galleri prioritise top-quality stones that stand the test of time, retaining their exquisite veins and color.
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The House of Wind by the Chalk Architects

The House of Wind by the Chalk Architects

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The inspirational design journey of the Chalk Architects working on their project: House of Wind, a breeze-filled porous home.
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Coulisse Heir, State-of-Art Scalp Therapy & Hair Remedy

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Lionbots International’s Quirky Head of Special Projects, Lee Tat Lin

Lionbots International’s Quirky Head of Special Projects, Lee Tat Lin 1616 1080 Design Business Chamber Singapore

Lee Tat Lin, a SUTD graduate, happens to be the designer and maker behind our Singapore Good Design (SG Mark) plaques. 

Tell us a little more about yourself. Describe your personal style.

I’m educated as an engineer but the last 7 years of my career has taken me through a multitude of experiences from research to design, to consulting, and to where I am now. I value each one of them and suffice to say, I like to explore and dabble in new things!

What do you do at Lionsbot International?

I mainly focus on investor relations and overseas expansion, as well as driving a portion of our marketing efforts. It is exciting to see our cleaning robots all over the world, empowering cleaning professionals to be the future of cleaning!

What is your design ethos/motto?

I believe that every design is a solution to a problem, and it is crucial to always design for the right problem instead of seeking the right design for the wrong problem.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve received? 

I’ve had many great advices but I like this rather unusual piece of advise: “Teach them the right way, but tell them the real way”

What would you like to have as your last meal on earth?

Definitely a bowl of noodle soup accompanied by grilled steak with roasted potatoes and vegetables. Not forgetting some good beer!

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Animal Shelter for House of Joy and Mercy

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A foster home in Hong Kong for abandoned animals, especially catering to the displaced animals from the North East New Territories Redevelopment Plan.
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The House of Wind by the Chalk Architects

The House of Wind by the Chalk Architects

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The inspirational design journey of the Chalk Architects working on their project: House of Wind, a breeze-filled porous home.
Coulisse Heir, State-of-Art Scalp Therapy & Hair Remedy

Coulisse Heir, State-of-Art Scalp Therapy & Hair Remedy

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Semula to a Dying Industry

Semula to a Dying Industry 667 1000 Design Business Chamber Singapore

Semula to a Dying Industry’s quest is to reuse and repurpose discarded materials.

Eddie Sim (left) and Tay Sok Leong (right) of Semula Pte Ltd

Our project is about giving a new life to a dying industry. Through our project, we hope to rejuvenate the kiddy ride that many of us are familiar with using recycled plastic materials.

We wish to create a common space for multigenerational communities to bond and interact such that this will be a space for young children to play and enjoy the kiddy ride, parents to relax and catch up with others, and elderly to participate in sensory experiences and promote their physical well-being.

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Animal Shelter for House of Joy and Mercy

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A foster home in Hong Kong for abandoned animals, especially catering to the displaced animals from the North East New Territories Redevelopment Plan.
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The House of Wind by the Chalk Architects

The House of Wind by the Chalk Architects

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The inspirational design journey of the Chalk Architects working on their project: House of Wind, a breeze-filled porous home.
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Coulisse Heir, State-of-Art Scalp Therapy & Hair Remedy

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Take a closer look into the inspiration behind the concept of 'Coulisse' and how curiosity shaped the spatial design of Coulisse Heir.
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Empowering Career Conversion: Daylon Soh from CuriousCore

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Young Changemakers!

Young Changemakers! 1148 1000 Design Business Chamber Singapore

Young Changemakers believe that a better future lies in a strong foundation that incorporates sustainability into the teaching pedagogy.

When we started the project, we were driven by the desire to make sure that kids had the right principles growing up from a young age, especially when it comes to sustainability.

As no one has ever done a program on sustainability, we wanted to be the first.

Lim Si Hui of Glyph Community Ltd

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Animal Shelter for House of Joy and Mercy

Animal Shelter for House of Joy and Mercy

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A foster home in Hong Kong for abandoned animals, especially catering to the displaced animals from the North East New Territories Redevelopment Plan.
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Second Generation Leader: Hilary Tjoe

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MM Galleri prioritise top-quality stones that stand the test of time, retaining their exquisite veins and color.
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The House of Wind by the Chalk Architects

The House of Wind by the Chalk Architects

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The inspirational design journey of the Chalk Architects working on their project: House of Wind, a breeze-filled porous home.
Coulisse Heir, State-of-Art Scalp Therapy & Hair Remedy

Coulisse Heir, State-of-Art Scalp Therapy & Hair Remedy

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Take a closer look into the inspiration behind the concept of 'Coulisse' and how curiosity shaped the spatial design of Coulisse Heir.
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Empowering Career Conversion: Daylon Soh from CuriousCore

Blog Editorial Highlights
Find out more about Daylon's journey from starting CuriousCore to helping his students change their entire career trajectory.
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Abhay Vyas of Salesforce Advises to “Keep it Simple”

Abhay Vyas of Salesforce Advises to “Keep it Simple” 1280 1119 Design Business Chamber Singapore

As a designer, have you always been interested in the tech space? Share your journey with us. Tell us a little more about yourself.

Unconsciously yes! 

I’m a young, always cheerful and passionate UX designer practising user-centred design in Bengaluru, India. I am also a well-acknowledged photographer & auto-ethnographer. 

I started my career at Whirlpool India as an Interaction Design Intern working on multiple tangible interfaces, then moved to the research domain and joined CKS as a researcher. After exploring research, I joined Info Edge ( as an interaction designer and primarily worked on the recruiter side of the products for close to three years. Later, I moved to Microsoft India and worked for 5+ years on various products like Windows Apps, Bing, and Dynamics 365.

From there, I joined Salesforce, where I’m responsible for the end-user product experience for Industries’ Common Services and Platforms. I’ve spent the last few years helping various companies to create an effortless user experience and design delightful digital products. This experience allowed me to acquire a wide range of skills as a designer.

Building products from scratch, working alongside developers, analysing customer interactions, and seeing how users use my designs and continuously improve them is what I love the most about my job!

Abhay Vyas is the brain behind the SG Mark winning project - Business Rules Engine in the Digital Solutions Category and is currently the Director of Product Design at Salesforce.

What are the greatest highlights or impacts of working at Salesforce? 

Salesforce is a fast-paced and dynamic environment where we work closely with our product owners and constantly innovate. 

As part of the Salesforce Industries, I had multiple opportunities to work on zero-to-one products. I lead the end-to-end product experience for Industries Public Sector Cloud. This has dramatically impacted connecting today’s government with every citizen and employee. With the help of this product, government agencies can now deliver mission impact through modern, secure, and compliant experience. 

I lead the design and product (to an extent) for the Salesforce Business Rules Engine that empowers anyone to build, test, and execute rules with a drag and drop no-code interface. This product has become a core of the Salesforce platform and won the Singapore Good Design award. 

There have been a few other personal highlights as well. Salesforce supported me in completing my executive education from IIM Bengaluru, allowed my interest for mentoring new talents to manifest in reality by giving me a chance to participate in the AIGA New York mentorship program, and many more. 

Working with different stakeholders in cross-departments across the organisation isn’t easy.
How do you facilitate and manage your stakeholders? How would you advise your junior and why?   

I would give credit to Slack for its great asynchronous and continuous collaboration. 😀

Keeping that aside, we have established clear roles in the team that have helped to keep things moving more smoothly. We have limited the number of stakeholders to only those who are essential. We have created a regular check-in and have given sign-off power to everyone involved in the project. 

I would advise the team to “set the right tone”. Healthy relationships between cross-departments can significantly influence how well team members can collaborate. You can set up regular check-ins with your counterparts to understand the overall progress and challenges. Have retrospectives within the teams to understand what went well and what did not and improve things. This can foster a sense of collective responsibility for your organisation’s success and build a sense of trust across the departments.

In the past 3 years, what new habits or systems have helped improvised your life? 


This has helped me collaborate with people around me to create alternatives rather than settling for a compromise. While practising synergy, we have developed innovative solutions that leverage diversity and satisfy all key stakeholders. 

On the personal front, I have also started focusing more on my health and have developed a few good habits like doing yoga, meditation, and a few weekly runs, which keep me at peace. 

What advice would you give to any graduates who are entering the “real world”?
What advice should they ignore?

 “Speak up and make yourself visible.”

Ask questions and don’t hesitate to give your opinion. Talk about your work; try to expose yourself to more opportunities. This will give you a lot of visibility and help you learn fast. 

“Avoid focusing on Minimum Viable Product.”

You are a designer, so use your skills to create an ideal vision that can serve as the “guiding light” that your team can constantly refer to, consult, and steer towards.

If you have a chance to place a quote on billboards across your city, what would it be and why? 

“Keep it Simple.”

Everyone loves simplicity. It’s easy to articulate, understand, and execute. We should avoid providing excessively complex solutions to a problem and focus on what works given the circumstances. 

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The House of Wind by the Chalk Architects

The House of Wind by the Chalk Architects

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Coulisse Heir, State-of-Art Scalp Therapy & Hair Remedy

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Empowering Career Conversion: Daylon Soh from CuriousCore

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Singapore Design Award (SDA)

Singapore Design Award (SDA) 2560 1707 Design Business Chamber Singapore

The Singapore Design Awards (SDA) was conceived in 1988. Launched by then PM, Mr Lee Kuan Yew, at the first Singapore International Design Forum to recognise and honour outstanding design practitioners and design students. These designers create innovative designs and use a human-centric approach in their design methodology. 

Source: Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew visits a housing project. Credit: Larry Burrows via Getty Images

All nations come with a vast array of people with different cultures, heritages, and history – but only some succeed. Why? Singapore is positioned in a unique space that emphasises the importance of unity among its citizens despite our clear divides. As a consequence of this, we are also in a place that allows for effective nation-building.

Whilst our governmental bodies make huge decisions, they are also working in tandem with their citizens to build a better Singapore. Despite their best efforts, no one can solve every problem a nation has on their own. This is why ground-up initiatives are important to the future of Singapore.

This brings us to the current day. We live in, are exposed to, and are surrounded by so many good examples of good design that we barely notice. However, these designs were actually responses to the challenges that Singapore once faced. From our housing enclaves to our water system, we take many designs (read: solutions) for granted. We face no shortage of challenges – which is why it’s so important for people to unite to tackle these challenges from the ground up.

This year, 4 challenges were set forth by the Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth and the Ministry of Sustainability and the Environment.

4 finalists were selected this year. Young Changemakers by Glphy Community Ltd thinks of building a better future by incorporating sustainability into the teaching pedagogy, Semula to a Dying Industry by Semula wants to reuse and repurpose discarded materials, EMBRACE by CHIO Architects wants to beautify Singapore’s landscape and unite people with MRT pillars, and a proximity-based social media platform app by Scratchbac wants to connect people who are close to each other.

While each of the finalists have wildly different ideas, each of them are similar in their ideology to create a better Singapore. 

Singapore Design Awards (SDA) offers individuals the chance to ideate and come up with potential solutions to the current challenges that Singapore faces. While submissions to SDA only require ideas, winners of SDA will be given seed money to prototype their projects to make their designs a reality. Our four finalists have already launched their designs – and are trailblazing the way for Singapore’s future.

Want to be notified of the next open call for SDA? Interested in learning more about our other events? Keen on meeting like-minded designers and potential collaborators? Join our DBCS membership today for free.

Hunger for Supper that Sparked Scratchbac

Hunger for Supper that Sparked Scratchbac 4000 2667 Design Business Chamber Singapore
Cheryl, one of the co-founders of Scratchbac shares about her motivation and inspiration behind the ground-up project.

Tell us a little more about yourself

My background is in mechanical engineering and product design. Since 2020, I’ve been working on a start-up I co-founded, Scratchbac, which is a proximity-based favour app where people in the community can give or receive help and resources from one another.

I am also currently pursuing my masters at Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) under the Innovation by Design programme. Concurrently, I also volunteer at TechforShe, mentoring and helping to facilitate UIUX workshops.

I would say I have a strong passion for user-centric tech and aspire to make a difference in people’s lives and the community through innovative solutions to everyday problems.

I’m also a strong advocate for design thinking education and hope to help people of all ages to get into the design landscape.

How did Scratchbac come about?

My co-founders and I came to the idea of Scratchbac because of personal problems we faced during SG’s circuit breaker period. For me personally, circuit breaker came into implementation during my final term and by then, I was already quite used to ‘university hall life’ having stayed in hall for the past few years. So, one night I was up late rushing a project and really wanted supper. Normally, I would have no problem ‘jio-ing’ other students in our SUTD group chat to share delivery fees. But stuck at home, I had to either go hungry or bite the bullet and pay the exorbitant delivery costs myself. This started the train of thought: “Why can’t I just ‘jio’ the neighbours around me instead?”

What is your greatest learning experience from running Scratchbac?

That good design is far from just creating the perfect product. In the context of a start-up, everything is limited – time, money, manpower (and as a student start-up, we even lack experience). Early in the game, I often came up with crazy ideas and designs which I believed would solve the user problems in the best way possible. But often those ideas would get thrown out or be stuck in the backlog perpetually because they were just not feasible to be built with the resources that we had. It took a while but eventually I came to appreciate the idea of what we call the ‘build, measure, learn and iterate’ cycle. As a start-up, it’s not about building perfect versions of features from the get go but rather just what is good enough to test the hypothesis within our limited resources and building up from there.

It required a lot of humility on my part as a designer to move from seeing these limits as hindrances to appreciating them as opportunities for more nuanced learning. When development cycles are so tight, you are really forced to think hard about each decision you commit to making which I feel helps me grow as a designer as well. 

As a Co-founder, has entrepreneurship changed the way you view the world? 

Yeah definitely. One thing that is abundantly clear in entrepreneurship is that success doesn’t happen by accident. It happens by design. Of course, there is an element of luck or good timing in entrepreneurship – but fundamentally, if you don’t put the work in, you aren’t going to go anywhere. 

So, if you have a problem that you’re passionate about solving, put in the work and get it done. Don’t get hung up on the what-ifs and naysayers. Get serious, double down and be confident in what you’re doing. People are naturally going to respect and respond to that.

How do you recharge after work? Do you prefer a social gathering or a quiet retreat?

For me, my work involves a lot of ‘social activity’, be it discussions with my teammates, talking to users or different stakeholders. So usually, I’m more than happy to spend weekday nights in, watching shows or YouTube to unwind. 

Nevertheless, I’m quite a FOMO kind of person, so I rarely say no if my friends ever want to go out for some good food & drinks or for some heart to heart convos. Also at Scratchbac, we do have weekly ‘sports days’ where we try new sports together – which is a great way for us to get to know each other outside of work and to let off some steam if needed HAHA! 

Are there any books or podcasts that have impacted your life deeply that you would recommend to your friends? 

Hmmm deeply impacted… I’m not too sure but I recently read ‘Seven Brief Lessons on Physics’  by Carlo Rovelli which I found quite intriguing. (I think if I didn’t end up pursuing design, I would have considered going into research on quantum physics instead!). Other good Introduction to Design reads include ‘Nudge’ by Richard H. Thaler and‎ Cass R. Sunstein, ‘Hooked’ by Nir Eyal, ‘The Mom Test’ by Rob Fitzpatrick. 

As a winner of Singapore Design Awards and Singapore Good Design Awards (SG Mark), what does it mean to you?

Hahaha to be honest I was quite shocked when I found out we won. To see our tiny start-up up there with all these well-known companies is honestly extremely humbling and it’s definitely a huge honour. But for me, I think the biggest takeaway has to be the connection to the design community that these awards have opened the doors to. Getting to meet and learn from this wide array of talented designers and solutions has been a great experience that has challenged me to grow even more as a designer.

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“Dumpster Diving” to Recycle Right

“Dumpster Diving” to Recycle Right 2048 1535 Design Business Chamber Singapore

Tell us a little more about yourself

After graduation from NUS as an Industrial Designer in 2020, I am currently at STUCK Design.

As an Industrial Designer, my focus is to design sustainable and ambitious solutions which improve the  quality of life. I also aim to create innovative products with a systematic and thorough iterative approach.

How did your award-winning ‘Recycle Right’ Bins project come about?

It was in NUS that I learnt about the issue of contamination in recycling in Singapore. I found out that almost all the plastic recyclables collected in Singapore are rejected by recycling companies. 

This issue stuck with me; how can we recycle right with better design? I took on this challenge on my FYP, building on my seniors’ projects and their insights. I reached out to the NUS administration and offered to redefine how we treat the recycling experience with a bin design to tackle this problem.

Thankfully, they were keen to collaborate. I think student projects tend to be short-lived, more so on conceptual fidelity.

By working with the NUS administration, I hoped to test my ideas on the ground, and make a real impact beyond my FYP.

Share with us a memorable process of Recycle Right Bins?

Twice a week for 3 months, I spent my afternoons “dumpster diving” at the campus canteen. I engaged in ground research with a pair of tongs, a mask and a pair of sturdy rubber gloves. The objective was to find out what people were throwing into the recycling bins and find ways to ensure their efforts do not go to waste. My course mates would sometimes find me behind the canteen crouched over a heap of trash. When I tell them that was part of my FYP, some of them would reply with scepticism. But it was something I chose to do as part of the discovery process.

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