Meet Beatrice, a Business & Design Strategist at DesignZ at the Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD).
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Rethinking AI: From “Human vs Machine” to “Human + Machine”
Arvind, Founder of The AI Living Lab (TALL), offers his insight on the importance of humanising AI.
Dreams in Motion: The path of a Motion Graphics Designer
Self-taught and constantly learning, failure has become my stepping stone towards progress and success.
Kris+ by Singapore Airlines
This app is designed to be human-centric, giving a better experience to both seasoned and new users.
STB SVC Lite Tablet App
The inspiration and journey behind creating the Singapore Visitor Centre Lite (SVC) Tablet Application.
Animal Shelter for House of Joy and Mercy
A foster home in Hong Kong for abandoned animals, especially catering to the displaced animals from the North East New Territories Redevelopment Plan.
A Global Perspective on the Digital Marketing Landscape
Learn how Katherine Dale navigates the intersection of human-centered design and digital marketing.
Member's Spotlight
Immanuel Goh’s Fascination with UX and Design Research
Emmanuel (Manny) shares how design meddling during his formative years has evolved into the monumental task of ensuring no one gets left behind in our Smart Nation journey.
The Artistic Beauty of Glass in the Eyes of Sara Ang
Sara Ang from Synergraphic raves about her mum and shares about her work, mantra and more.
AgeGracefully’s Founder, Tan Lee Tuan
Lee Tuan from Bekind Solutions is the man behind numerous elderly care products designed to empower seniors such as the Smart Walking Sticks collection.
Designers are Makers of Unifying Designs
Yuree Hwang is a Korean and American product designer living in Singapore and is a strong believer of the power of the story behind every product and brand.
3D Printing and Pokemon Enthusiast, Matt of Imagene Creative
Matthew Chui is a young entrepreneur and the founder of Imagene Creatives, where he works on an array of 3D printed projects.
Lionbots International’s Quirky Head of Special Projects, Lee Tat Lin
Lee Tat Lin, a SUTD graduate, happens to be the designer and maker behind our Singapore Good Design (SG Mark) plaques.
Abhay Vyas of Salesforce Advises to “Keep it Simple”
Abhay Vyas is the brain behind the SG Mark winning project - Business Rules Engine in the Digital Solutions Category and is currently the Director of Product Design at Salesforce.
Editorial Highlights
SG Mark Winners' Spotlight
Reveal Your Thaidentity: Experience the Thai Way in Thailand
No reason for Singaporeans to visit the Land of Smiles because they’ve visited Thai padi fields or shopped at Chatuchak? The Thai Tourism Authority convinces Singaporeans otherwise in this marketing campaign. Bold caricatures and animation to showcase the Thai people, culture and charm in a fun and relatable manner are used to entice Singaporeans to re-visit Thailand.
With a name inspired by Irène Joliot-Curie, Nobel Laureate in Chemistry and women’s rights advocate, this brand positions itself as skincare that is fun to use, with real results backed by science. Through a soft, vibrant colour palette, a fun and trendy tone of voice, and easy-to-use packaging with a distinctive opening mechanism, it appeals to the savvy female consumer.
Immersive Experience
Can’t attend a physical business event due to Covid-19? The Indonesia Startup Insight Asia virtual event demonstrates that an immersive 3D experience is still possible through the use of technology such as photographic rendering, and realistic design incorporating physical elements into the virtual space. Following its success, markets as far flung as Belgium and Israel have been inspired by it.
East Coast Park Rejuvenation
A refreshed experience while paying homage to its history – this revamp of Singapore’s largest park encapsulates the theme, aesthetics and park experience. Designed to create meaningful relationships between the physical space and users by connecting people with nature and activating spaces for people’s enjoyment, everything — from signages, landscaping to sustainability of the park’s buildings — has been improved.
DBS Facilities Reporting Tool
Want to report a fault in office facilities? DBS employees can do so in three easy steps after the revamp of its employee workspace facilities reporting tool. Optimised for use on mobile phones, the log-in process has been streamlined. Staff data is pre-populated, making the process easier and faster. Adoption of this tool has since increased by over 100%.
Between Two Worlds – Light to Night Festival 2020
Quarter means four. And in, they undergird Design, Research, Community, and Craft in everything they do.