The Man Behind the Unique Vending Machine

The Man Behind the Unique Vending Machine 1536 1848 Design Business Chamber Singapore

How would you describe your personality?

My son, friends and colleagues fittingly call me “Mr. Fix-It” as I like to solve problems in creative and innovative ways.    

How has design thinking impacted what you do?

Creative and innovative solutions led me to develop a design thinking mindset and it really solved many problems, especially the recent solutions we had for our car showroom aka Car Vending Machine. 

What is your favourite automobile brand?

My favourite automobile brand is Porsche. It’s a unique brand that is somewhat sporty yet very understated.

What was the hardest decision you ever had to make?

To build TenSquare as another car vending machine showroom especially after we just built one not too long ago. Given that this took place in the middle of the pandemic, it was stressful.

Who is your hero and why?

Like many Singaporeans, my hero is our founding father, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew. With a bright mind, strong leadership and perseverance, he formed a capable team to develop Singapore into a world-renowned global city from its humble beginnings. Today, Singapore stands out in the world for its low level of poverty and highly-acclaimed education system among many attributes. 

Gary Hong, GM and Founder of Autobahn Motors aspires to bring an immersive experience to the community of creators, animators, marketers and brand owners together, to showcase their creativity and bring about more social awareness.

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