Project EMBRACE seeks to beautify Singapore’s landscape and unite people with MRT pillars.

Ar. Chio Wen Tian of CHIO Architects
I frequently go down to the track right by the MRT to run and I’ve often thought that the spaces could have been better utilised. The idea of EMBRACE is to clad the MRT columns with 22 used holding panels and allow members of the community to come together to paint them and express themselves.
About the project
The premise of this project stemmed from a far-sighted concern on the MRT system. Mindful about the implications the fixed corridors created by the network of on-grade MRT tracks have on our city when WFH becomes the norm, how can design spark online or physical conversations/collaborations to rejuvenate our community spirit in a post-pandemic Singapore?
EMBRACE cleverly reuses construction hoarding steel panels affixed on circular steel support around the MRT pillars, with hoarding panels serving as canvas for any community expression through Paint, Stick or Project. The initiative showcases our people’s ingenuity for turning an urban challenge into opportunity, while the colours and vibrancy of the adorned columns embraces our diversity, creativity and aspirations.

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