Dreams in Motion: The path of a Motion Graphics Designer

Dreams in Motion: The path of a Motion Graphics Designer 1920 1080 Design Business Chamber Singapore
  1. Tell us more about you — what inspired you to focus on Motion Graphics and 3D Animation?
    Well, I initially delved into character animation, which is a super specialized role. Over time, I found myself yearning for a position that had a broader scope in projects. That’s when motion design caught my attention. Given its rising popularity, it seemed like a wise move to transition into that field and looking back, I still feel confident in that decision!

  2. Which design software or tool do you prefer the utmost?
    I wouldn’t say I have a favorite tool because I use whatever allows me to complete a project. However, Adobe After Effects holds a special place in my heart because I’ve been using it for the longest time.

  3. How do you stay up-to-date with the latest trends?
    To be honest, I’m not someone who intentionally keeps up with trends. For example, I’m still not on TikTok. However, I find that I’m naturally updated on new design aesthetics and ideas because I consume art and design content daily. We’re in an awesome time where people are constantly creating mind-blowing and innovative things, and I love stumbling upon these works.

  4. What’s the biggest learning experience you’ve had?
    Freelancing, which is my current journey. Being self-taught, it has been a quite a struggle, and if I were to think of myself as a product, I’d currently be a failure. But I’m hopeful that with constant failure, I’ll keep iterating on myself until I become a great product. As James Dyson said, “Failure is the only way to progress.”

  5. What is your guilty pleasure?
    Anime and manga. But please don’t recommend any new ones because once I start, I can’t stop. My most recent anime was Ousama Ranking and it made me cry a lot. And if I were to recommend any, it would definitely be the Manga – Dead Dead Demon’s Dededede Destruction.

  6. What is your favorite thing about motion graphics?
    I really appreciate that now, any form of a moving picture is considered motion design, and the doors are wide open for anyone to join in. With the accessibility of motion design tools, literally “anyone can cook.”

  7. What made you join our Portfolio & Career Advisory night?
    I’m in the midst of transitioning into a career in UX design, and the Portfolio & Career Advisory night was a great opportunity to join a design community and learn from industry veterans. It absolutely delivered! 
Deon Ng, Freelancer

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