DBCS Circle Connects 1: Workplace disability inclusion in the design industry: Whats next?

DBCS Circle Connects 1: Workplace disability inclusion in the design industry: Whats next? 1080 1080 Design Business Chamber Singapore

Date: 18th January 2024
Time: 7pm – 8.30pm
Venue: 20 Lengkok Bahru #01-19
, UOB Ability Hub, Singapore 159053

DBCS is promoting the design industry as a sector that provides viable employment opportunities for persons with disabilities.

Studies have shown that persons with disabilities can bring the needed skills and contribute meaningfully when companies focus on their abilities and the job match is done right. Companies who have adopted disability-inclusive practices also possess a competitive advantage over their peers.

Register now to learn more about disability inclusion employment and the various support available for your organisation!


As this is a closed door event, please contact us at info@dbcsingapore.org / +65 8829 2990 for the access code.