Former Presidents

Designers Association Singapore (DAS) was founded as a multidisciplinary design organisation.
DAS supported Singapore Trade Development Board (now IE Singapore) to launch the Singapore Design Awards (SDA) & Young Designers Award (YDA).
The association also supported STDB in organising the 1st International Design Forum.
DAS supported STDB in organising the 2nd International Design Forum.

STDB opened a dedicated Design Centre along North Bridge Road (ex-Capitol carpark).
DAS alsosupported STDB in organising the 3rd International Design Forum.

Abdul Sannie represented Singapore as an executive committee member of the prestigious International Council of Societies for Industrial Design (ICSID).

DAS supported STDB in organising the 4th International Design Forum.

DAS supported STDB in organising the 5th International Design Forum.

DAS took over the rights to run SDA and YDA from STDB.
The association underwent a constitutional change to accept Corporate Membership.
DAS co-organised the International Design Forum with IE Singapore.
They then launched designer, Singapore’s first independent publication for the design industry.

DAS co-organised the International Design Forum with the Association for Accredited Advertising Agents Singapore (4As), Advertising Media Owners Association of Singapore (AMA), Associations of Broadcasters of Singapore (AOB), International Council of Graphic Design Associations (Icograda), Singapore Advertisers Association (SAA), Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) and IE Singapore.
DAS successfully organised ICSID 2009 with DesignSingapore Council and Temasek Polytechnic, with 1,000 professional industrial designers from across the world in attendance.
Revived SDA and organised the first Design Business Forum for designers and business leaders.
Organised Designers Nite networking sessions and Designers Day at members’ offices.
Co-organised Chris Bangle keynote session with DesignSingapore Council.

Promoted Singapore design as part of DesignS at the Singapore Pavillion @Shanghai World Expo 2010.
Signed MOU with Shenzhen Industrial Design Professional Association (SIDA) and promoted SDA at Business of Design Week (BODW).

DAS & Dsg organised a Minister’s Dialogue Session for CEOs with Mr Lui Tuck Yew, then-Minister of Information, Communication and the Arts (MICA).
Gave keynote addresses at Dsg’s Design for Enterprises Seminar.
Association underwent a constitutional change and rebranding to become Design Business Chamber Singapore (DBCS).
Updated the constitution to allow the admission of any professional design associations and institutes to join as full members.
Signed MOUs with Guangzhou Industrial Design Association (GIDA) and ingenious switzerland to cross-promote design in their respective countries.
Signed MOU with Gifts Association Singapore (SGA) for the Singapore Gifts and Stationery Show (SGSS).
Signed MOU with DesignS network to launch SingaPlural 2013.
Participated in PUSH Showcase for SingaPlural.
Launch of Singapore Good Design Mark (SG Mark).
Launch of Singapore Design Class (SDC).
Participation in 100% Design Singapore.
Participation in Shanghai Networking Event organized by Singapore Tourism Board (STB).
Former Presidents
Former Presidents

Andrew Pang
Lavaworks Pte. Ltd.

Tai Lee Siang
Head of Pillar
Architecture and Sustainability Design
Singapore University of Technology and Design

Lawrence Chong

Benny Tan
Assistant Director, RIE & Partnership
School of Design, Temasek Polytechnic

Peer Sathikh
Associate Chair (Academic)
School of Art, Design and Media, Nanyang Technological University

Nigel Smith
DIA Group

Patrick Cheah
Founder, Design & Managing Director
DPC Design Pte Ltd

Tan Khee Soon
Deputy Director
School of Design, Nanyang Polytechnic

Michael Gan
Nanyang Polytechnic

Allein Moore
Founder, Curator
Advertising Archive Asia